Page 112 of Last Duke Standing

William studied his friend. He took a sip of his drink and put it aside. “I’ve known you quite a long time, Beck. If you have something to say, then by all means, say it.”

Beck smiled slyly. “Blythe says I am horrible with secrets. There has been some...ah, talk...of your interest in the Weslorian crown princess.”


“There has been almost as much talk of that as there has been about a young woman in Scotland in whom you left your seed.”

William considered denying the rumor. But he didn’t have the strength to deny his feelings anymore. He simply nodded. “I am aware.”

Beck blinked with surprise. “My God. Is it true?”

“No,”William said firmly. “Do you think so ill of me?”

“I don’t think ill of you at all, Will. So what, then, is this about?”

“Extortion.” He shrugged. “I tried to help her.” He told Beck the story of encountering Althea Simpson, of trying to help her escape to her lover. He said perhaps he shouldn’t have done it, but she was distraught and he couldn’t bear it. But that her father had caught up with her, and as far as he knew, had kept her locked away in his house. That he didn’t learn of the attempt to extort his family until weeks later.

“Good Lord,” Beck said. “What did the duke do?”

“Paid him.”

Beck winced.

“The worst thing he might have done,” William said darkly. “I received a letter from the duke today informing me that Mr. Simpson made a return visit to Hamilton Palace and is demanding more money to keep his silence. My father refused him, and true to his word, Mr. Simpson has begun to spread the word that I am the father of the child and have abandoned her.”

“Goodness,” Beck said. “This is a dilemma. Your reputation can’t withstand any more tarnishing.”

William couldn’t disagree.

“Especially given the position you’re in.”

“What? What position is that?”

“I’m going to have to think this through,” Beck said absently.

“What are you talking about?”

The door behind them suddenly flew open with such force that Beck spilled a bit of his brandy on his trousers.

“Goodevening, Lord Douglas!”

Lady Iddesleigh barreled into the room, her pregnant belly seeming to reach them a minute before she did. “We are so happy to have you this evening! What a grand thing, this supper we are having. You won’t mind if I steal my husband away for just a moment, will you? Garrett, our persnickety butler, and I have had a bit of row where to seat everyone. I swear, he and I never see eye to eye on these things, do we, darling? We can’t agree about where to seat the princesses.”

“The princesses?” William said, coming to his feet.

“Oh, didn’t I mention it?” Beck asked as he stood. “The princesses will dine with us this evening. Lord and Lady Aleksander as well.”

“Is there anything else I should know?” William called after him as his wife dragged him from the room.

Predictably, Beck didn’t answer.

WILLIAMFELTABSURDLYanxious when the butler announced the guests had arrived and showed them into the grand salon for wine. First came Lord and Lady Aleksander. And then the princesses.

However, the moment William laid eyes on Justine, all of his anxiety evaporated. She looked so dignified and fashionable. Her gown had splashes of dark red flowers across its flounces, and she wore a royal badge and ribbon at her breast. Rubies dangled from her ears, and the gold bracelet she always wore was on her wrist. Her hair had been styled very simply in the back and was covered with lace and red ribbons. And the white streak in her hair—he thought again how it looked as if it had been intentionally painted there.

He couldn’t imagine ever looking at her and not feeling awed by her. Her beauty was apparent. She didn’t have the flawless good looks like her sister, but the sort that radiated from within. It attracted him more every time he looked at her.

Good God, he was lovesick.