Tiffany’s expression veered from furious to indigent before she refocused her ire on Jane. “If you accuse one guest of murder…if anyonegetsmurdered, I’ll…I’ll…Just behave!” She stomped off.

With an arm draped around Jane’s waist, Conrad led her to the vast sitting area. “First hurdle has been cleared,” he muttered.

Wait staff flitted about, carrying trays of Halloween themed foods. Severed finger sandwiches. Spider pizza bites. Meatball mummies.

Don’t mind if I do. Jane plucked up several of the sandwiches. Mmm. So good!

“Focus, sweetheart.” He didn’t attempt to hide his amusement. “Blackmail first. Snacks second. When this is over, and you are completely unharmed, I will provide you with a feast.”

The promise in his voice left her shivering.

They continued through the house, now void of any of the “artwork” Tiffany once proudly displayed for her murderous boyfriend. Jane spotted both Berdize sisters, directing traffic and totally in their element. Oh! There was Trick, mingling with Ashley Katz. He wore a cowboy hat and boots like he was born for the saddle. The reporter, dressed as a seductive cat, didn’t look as if she would mind being lassoed.

He winked when Jane and Conrad passed him. Ms. Katz merely arched a brow.

They entered the backyard, where plastic bodies floatedacross a kidney-shaped pool. Pumpkins and hay bales complimented the stunning, all-weather landscaping. Tiki torches provided plenty of illumination as a projector cast dancing ghosts and creepy crawlers along the shadowy walls of the pool house. The scent of clashing perfumes and citrus fruit saturated the chilly air.

Finally, Jane spotted the rest of her group. Isaac, who’d come as a medieval prince, sported armor and a crown. He was currently charming a cluster of older women from a wellness center Fiona frequented.

Holden came dressed as a Viking—at Jane’s suggestion, thank you—with straps of brown leather crossed over his broad, muscular chest. But it was Lucy as a valkyrie, complete with sleek body armor and a spear, who stole the show. So fierce!

They were, like, the world’s most adorable couple.

They stood with the sheriff and Fiona, who’d come decked out as pirates.

Fiona winked at Jane. Lucy rested her head on Holden’s shoulder and smiled, giving Jane a stealthy thumbs up.

No sign of Beau, though. Her heart started thumping again when she spotted Emma, clad in a long trench coat—well able to hide weapons—holding a briefcase no doubt filled with cash. She stood with Dr. Price, Dr. Garcia and Devin Hagger. Well, well, well. What a foursome.

Building another false narrative, hoping to silence her blackmailer for good?

Too bad. Soon, the truth would come out. According to the plan, Jane would let the nurse sweat for an hour and maybe throw back a couple drinks to calm her nerves. Then, Jane would get in position and shoot Emma a message from the burner, telling her to leave the money in Tiffany’s private bathroom, where—surprise—Jane would be waiting.

“Emma’s on the move,” Beau announced in her ear. “Headed to the bar.”

Jane glanced over and sure enough, the nurse crossed to the wet bar, where a waiter served bloody marys.

Sipping her drink, Emma joined one group after another, chatting and laughing as if she hadn’t a care. But she continually checked her phone, clearly waiting for a certain message…

When she disappeared inside the pool house, Beau said, “Holden, send Fiona and Lucy in to keep an eye on our spy.”

Jane’s nerves sharpened when the girls followed Emma.

Only a few minutes later, Beau’s voice sounded in her ear. “Emma stored her briefcase inside. Apparently, Tiffany rented a bank of lockers for the event.”

Emma strutted from the pool house in the coat—which she removed as she walked, revealing a red bikini. The cell phone remained clutched in her hand as she waded into the heated pool and socialized with the handful of other swimming guests.

At first glance, she seemed to be having a wonderful time. At second, Jane noted the brittleness of her smile.

Finally, the moment for action arrived. Jane and Conrad ventured inside the house. Holden, Lucy, Fiona, and the sheriff kept Tiffany busy. Conrad, Trick and Isaac snuck Jane into the restricted—and locked—master suite. The site of her coming crime. Well, almost. But oh, wow, the bedroom really made a statement. It said:I’m rich. With its carved bed frame of deep mahogany, the softest of the softjewel-toned bedding—and yes, she stroked her hand along the silk to verify her assessment—and a sitting area arranged before a modern, landscape fireplace, this was a room for dreams.

“Be careful,” Conrad said, planting a swift kiss on her lips. “I mean it. When this is over, there better not be a scratch on you.”

Breathless, she told him, “Same to you, officer detective.”

“Don’t forget inspector. But I prefer sweet pea.” He gave her another kiss, and then he was gone.

To stealthily check Emma for weapons, Conrad would be “accidentally” bumping into her before she entered the bedroom to make the payment. He would also be asking her if she’d seen a missing Jane, making it clear he wasn’t hiding in wait, ready to overhear a confession, as soon as she discovered the true identify of her blackmailer.