The moment the front door snicked shut, Lucy worked to unzip the carrier. The chonky furball erupted from a small opening, and the two felines rubbed together like reunited soul mates, purring.

Tears gathered in the corners of Jane’s eyes. Not hugging her visitor required every ounce of her strength. “I’m so happy to see you.”

Lucy hooked a lock of hair behind her ear, a little shy and a lot nervous. “I came to say thank you. I’m told you’re the one who sent Holden to Oliver,” she added at Jane’s confused look.

“Dang him! He was supposed to wait for me.”

“Well.” Her cheeks pinkened. “I’m going on a date with him. Holden, I mean. Not Oliver. Holden, um, explained some things about your investigative process, and how it’s a total compliment to slide down your suspect list once your name is on it. Something that’s never been done before.”

“I’m so sorry I ever doubted you, Lucy. I truly am.” The words burst from her. “I’ve never really had a girlfriend before, and I guess I let fear get the better of me a time or twenty, convincing me that such a new and wonderful part of my life could never last.” Perhaps like something she did with another fear…

“I think I had the same reaction.” Dark eyes glassed over, tears welling in the corners. “I’ve had so many things go wrong lately, and then suddenly, I was having fun again and I got scared that it would all crash and burn like everything else, so I bolted at the first opportunity, and I’m sorry I’m rambling right now but this is important so I’m trying to make sure I don’t leave anything out.”

Okay, Jane couldn’t hold out a moment longer. She threw her arms around the other woman and hugged her tight. To her immense delight, Lucy hugged her back. They both laughed and suddenly the world just seemed brighter.

“I think I’ve solved Tony’s murder,” Jane told her, excitement shoving the admission off her tongue.

Lucy gaped at her. “Truly?”

She nodded, all but bubbling over. “Want to see how I did it?” Without waiting for a response, she rushed to bring out the board. “I’m almost certain Emma Miller is a lying murderess. Now I just have to gather the evidence to prove it.”

In a daze, Lucy studied the scribbled phrases, photos and maze of colorful strings tying everything together. “Oh! I never told you I saw him on my walk to Eden Valley,” she said, pointing to Hagger, one of only three photos Jane hadn’t yet crossed out. “I encountered so many new faces that day, I’d forgotten him until Ashley Katz ambushed me and shoved his photo in my face.”

Knew there was a solid explanation!“I want this case wrapped up in a nice, pink bow, all suspicions lifted off you, Beau and Fiona.” The best way to do that? “Obviously, I’ve got to trap Emma into making a confession.”

Jane paced before the board. Back and forth, back and forth. Thinking aloud, she said, “Emma is a player. This was a game of gravestones to her. Too bad the gravekeeper takes the grim reaper. She might have spun a web of smoke and mirrors, and I might be mixing too many metaphors, but I’m going to come in like a wrecking ball.”

Lucy tapped her chin, then nodded. “I’m liking where this is headed.”

“What if I make her think she made a huge misstep? Left a piece of evidence behind, maybe? Or. Hmm. Emma believed there were no cameras in the Valley of Dolls. What if I can prove her wrong, making her believe—” Oh, oh, oh! Ideas flooded Jane. Now that she’d stopped questioning herself, nothing blocked her creative spirit and flare for drama.

Conrad wasn’t going to be happy about any of this. He might even call some of it “illegal” and demand that she stand down. The very reason she would not be telling him about this, either.

Almost giddy, she said, “Give me a minute to make sure my number one idea can work before I dazzle you with my brilliance.”

She rushed to her cell phone and texted Beau.

Jane:Hey! First, you and Sora are so cute together.

Beaudyguard:We are NOT together.

Jane:Your vehemence is even cuter. Second, don’t ask why, but do you know anyone who can expertly manipulate a photo? Like, make it look SUPER real even though it’s fake.

Beaudyguard: Yeah. Trick. That’s how he got his nickname. WHY? What are you planning, Jane?

Jane ignored Beau’s questions and sent a quick message to Trick.

Jane:Hey, Trick! Jane here. I’d love to bake that casserole for you tonight as well as a dessert. I won’t mention it to any of your friends so you can enjoy every bite yourself…in exchange for your speediest photo manipulation skills. The end result MUST look real. Even though one of the images you’ll be working with comes from video surveillance at the Garden.

Trickster:Not a problem. Tell me what you want done, and I’ll have something back to you the second that casserole and dessert come out of the oven. I promise you, the photo will pass any inspection.

Jane:Grab an image of Emma Miller the night of the party. Place her near a shot of Tony’s body (from the crime scene photos on Beau’s phone). Maybe put a bag of gold in her hand? I’ll leave the finer details up to you. See you in two hours!

“Okay, I don’t even know what’s going on, but this is just so exciting,” Lucy said, clapping.

“It really, really is.” She took Lucy’s hand and led her friend into the kitchen. “Come on.”

Once the other woman settled in at the counter, Jane prepared them both a glass of sweet tea and strapped on an apron.