“What I’d like,” Jane said, glancing between the pair, “is an explanation. Otherwise, I fear I’ll be forced to launch a whole new investigation while Fiona is busy hissying.”

He heaved a defeated sigh. “Miss Khatri witnessed something she shouldn’t. Now, very bad men want her dead. She’s remaining in my care–”

“Custody,” the beauty interjected. “And please, ladies. Call me Sora.”

“—whether she wants to or not,” he continued without missing a beat. “Though I’m praying I’ll be relieved of this duty sooner rather than later.”

His custody? Was he still active in the military or something? Working for law enforcement?

“I don’t want to remain with him, in case anyone is wondering.” Sora batted long black lashes at Beau and smiled again, as if she’d merely commented on the weather. “But I would like that tea, honey pie. Please and thank you.”

Honey pie? Hmm. Should Jane give Conrad a cute endearment? Something likebuttered buns. Or hot pants. Tater tot? Sugar snap pea?

Wait. There would be no thinking about her special agent tonight. Especially when she’d begun to connect some dots. Beau had missed his cue at the murder mystery because he’d been guarding his guest. To keep Sora close, he must have stashed her somewhere on the property.

Did GBH know about her? He’s said he’d explained some things to Conrad, but had he revealed the full truth or redacted certain details to keep Sora safe? “Well, now that this mystery is solved, I should probably get Fiona home to the Sheriff, so Trick can clock out for the night.” She almost laughed when Beau double blinked. “Oh! Before we go, I need you to do me two favors.”

He gave her a you-are-trying-my-patience look. “You know I’ll do whatever you need, Janie. Anytime, anywhere.”

Sora’s lips pursed. “I believe I mentioned being thirsty for that tea.”

Beau worked his jaw. “Be right back,” he grated, standing. He stalked from the living room.

“We’re only friends,” Jane rushed to assure the other woman. “I have a boyfriend named Conrad. Well, I broke up with him, I think, but then he got back together with me. Mostly. There’s a curse, you see. And—”

“Did I ask about your relationship with Beau?” Huffy, Sora leaped to her feet. “No, I did not. Because I don’t care about him. He can see who he wants, when he wants. It makes no difference to me. Now, if you’ll excuse me, please. I’m tired after working all day to bypass his security.” That said, she marched from the living room, disappearing in the hallway, leading to the bedrooms.

Fiona reached over to pat Jane’s hand. “Don’t worry, hon. People who deny their feelings tend to react badly to the strangest things. Don’t you think?”

Something about her tone suggested Jane should consider, perhaps, possibly applying those very wise words to her own life. Or not. Yeah, probably not.

Beau returned, a glass in hand, and glowered as soon as he noticed Sora’s absence. With a huff of his own, he plopped into the chair he’d vacated and set the tea on a side table. “I told you,” he muttered. “The worst.”

“Yes. Well. About those favors you promised me. I need you to find out if anything can be learned from these texts to Reggie Belfry.” Jane whipped out her phone and air dropped him the photos. “Also, can you track down a guy named Oliver…something? He is Lucy’s ex-boyfriend, and he tried to steal Cartier. One day soon, you and I will pay him a visit and let him know such atrocious behavior won’t be tolerated any longer.”

“Don’t worry about Oliver. Holden will take care of it. But I’ll let you know about the numbers.”

“How very sweet of Holden,” Fiona remarked, wiggling her brows. No doubt her matchmaker’s heart had skipped a beat, just like Jane’s.

“I kind of need to go with him when he does it,” she said. “This is my grand gesture to win back Lucy’s friendship. Make sure Holden knows that.”

Beau let his head rest against his chair and peered up at the ceiling as if praying for patience. “Anything else?”

“Nope. That covers everything. Thanks, Bo-Bo.” She and Fiona stood. “We can see ourselves out.”

* * *

The next morning,after completing her chores around the cemetery, Jane drove straight to the Headliner offices. The first stop of many she planned for today. The time had come for her showdown with Ms. Ashley Katz.

Head high, she entered the lobby of Aurelian Hills Media, which housed the town’s only AM station, an internet show called My Advice Is Yours, and the new and improved Headliner, both the app and paper division. There was even a space people could reserve to record a podcast.

The building was a hub of activity, but Jane didn’t bother asking anyone for help. She strode down the hall as if she owned the place until she found the right door, then entered without bothering to knock.

A quick scan. Details hit her, one after the other. Small room. Big white board behind the desk. Curvy woman wearing a tailored white blouse, black calf length pencil skirt and blood red stilettos. The ends of her curly hair brushed the collar of her shirt. With her hands anchored on her hips, she faced the board. To the left, multiple monitors displayed the current happenings on the Headliner.

While unnoticed, Jane glanced over the board. A mess of names, photos and strings, with Tony’s image at the top of it all. Emma’s face had a big red X over it. So did Hagger’s and Dr. Price’s. There was a question mark over Dr. Garcia and Reggie Belfry, as well as Jane, Fiona, Beau, Lucy and even Conrad.

“Why did you rule out Devin Hagger and Emma Miller?” Jane asked.