Uh, he seemed to know a lot about the nurse. Jane fidgeted with the corner of her blanket. Something was here. Could Dr. Price be the murderer’s accomplice? Mighty convenient that he’d sent a timestamped video message to his staff the night of the murder. From a mystery party, no less.

“How much time have you spent with Ms. Miller?” she asked.

He scowled at Jane. “I don’t think I like what you’re implying.”

“WhatamI implying?” she asked, feigning innocence.

His scowl only deepened. “Tony showed up here at the hospital a few times while Emma–Nurse Miller–did rounds with Dr. Garcia. Tony demanded to know who she was dating, then threatened to put the guy in the hospital and ruin any happiness she found.”

Well, well, well. The lawyer must have been eaten up with jealousy. “Did Belfry fight back, sending Tony to the emergency room as well?”

“I’m not saying he did. But I’m not saying he didn’t, either.”

Meaning yes. He did. So, even Tony had visited the hospital the day the opioids were stolen.

Had he swiped the drugs? If his prints were the only ones found on the syringe… Were they? Hehadwanted to kill someone, judging by the search history on his burner phone. Well, one of his burner phones. Wait. He’d planned to stab his victim, not drug them. He’d even carried a knife in his pocket.

A knife he hadn’t used. Hmm. Had he been too out of it after being whacked with rocks? Or was there another reason?

Dr. Price schooled his features, as if realizing he’d let too much slip. “Any lingering headaches?”

“No, the pain has faded,” she assured him. Was it strange that Emma had shared so many details about her no-strings dating life with Dr. Price? Especially considering Tony’s vow. Or maybe she’d been so upset and fatigued by her husband’s behavior, she’d needed to share with someone, and she’d chosen her co-workers. “Is there anything you remember about the night of Mr. Miller’s murder that could help me prove you—” and Fiona and Beau— “are innocent of the crime?”

His eyebrows drew together, reluctance stamped all over his handsome face. “I heard Tony argue with a short, balding man, who claimed he wouldn’t pay off anyone else. That, if Tony attacked another of Emma’s dates, he’d go to jail.”

Well. Rather than solicit work, Hagger might have paid Belfry not to press charged against Tony for engaging in fisticuffs. Had Belfry then demanded more money, making Hagger feel he had no other choice but murder?

Dang, she excelled at this.

The doctor finished his exam, asked her a few questions, and made notes in her chart. “The X-rays show nothing is broken. But I’m prescribing a painkiller and a muscle relaxer for whiplash. By morning, that weakness in your neck and shoulders is going to translate into pain.”

“Any idea about why I blacked out and lost control of my body?”

“Not yet. We’re still waiting for the results of your blood tests. I should know something soon. If all looks good, we’ll get you discharged.”

Fair enough. “Thank you,” she said. “For everything.”

He nodded and moved toward the door, but paused when she called, “Hey, are you single, Dr. Price? I’m asking for a friend. Well, a possible friend. I’m not all in yet. But I notice you aren’t wearing a wedding ring.”

The muscles in his shoulders bunched. “I am very muchnotsingle.” He left then.

Ohhhh. Sore topic? Maybe. But who was the dreamboat dating?

Conrad re-entered the room with Beau and Fiona on his heels.

“Oh, hon.” Fiona elbowed the boys aside to reach her first. “Tell me you’re okay. I mean it, tell me right this second. I’ve got to hear the words come out of your mouth.” She patted Jane’s cheeks and fluffed her pillows.

“I’m okay. Honest. I’m going to be discharged as soon as my blood tests come in.”

“I’ll stay over tonight, my sweet baby girl, and I’ll see to your every need.” Fiona took her other hand. “I’ll make you all the blueberry pancakes you can hold.”

“I’llbe staying with her tonight.” A stern-faced Conrad returned to her side. “I’ll sleep on the couch, but Iwillbe there.”

“But…blueberry pancakes,” she said, nearly whimpering. A never ending supply. Because that was how many she could hold. So close to Heaven on Earth! Wait, what if they both stayed the night? Then she could have the best of both worlds. Except, what about Sheriff Moore? He needed Fiona more than Jane did.

“Sorry, sweetheart, but this is non-negotiable. Beau?” Conrad nodded at her friend. “Tell her.”

“I directed Isaac to the Tow Yard to look at the hearse. He sent me a text,” Beau said, tapping a button on the screen of his phone, then read, “Someone tampered with the exhaust system of Jane’s car, causing a leak of carbon monoxide into the cabin. At first glance, and considering the age of the hearse, the damage can pass as normal wear and tear. But the hole is too clean. Whoever did it is good, but I’m better.”