They bolted, skirting around her. Well. That was suspicious. Up the suspect list they went.

Jane composed a mental note to speak with the pair soon, after she’d dealt with Ms. Katz and smoothed out her theories involving Belfry and Hagger.

All right. Enough meandering about town. The head clearing had failed. She made her way back to the hearse, mind whirling.HadBelfry and Hagger worked together to take out Tony? Because this scenario had lots more pizazz than Belfry taking care of matters on his own. And what of Emma? What if thethreeof them had worked together?

Maybe Emma and Hagger were partners, and Belfry the patsy. Hagger might intend to sink Belfry’s defense the way he’d (allegedly) tried to sink Fiona’s.

Thunder cracked as Jane climbed inside her vehicle. She started the engine but didn’t drive off yet. Rather, she typed a text to Emma:I know we aren’t working together anymore, but I’m hoping you’d like to learn the truth about Tony’s death…which might have come about differently than you think. Help me help you by telling me about Reggie Belfry’s physical altercation with Tony.

As she waited for Emma’s response, Jane texted Fiona to ask about the sheriff. Then she sent a group message to Team Truth, inviting everyone over for dinner to meet Rolex’s new girlfriend. Everyone but Conrad. She decided to phone him on the drive to the Headliner offices. She just, well, she missed his voice. Which meant nothing. Only that he had a pleasant timbre.

Still no response from Emma. But everyone else replied right away, accepting the invite. Fiona also responded privately.

Fionality:He’s better all the time! In fact, he’s gonna meet Thomas and his family this weekend.

Thomas, her son. The relationship between Fiona and Sheriff Moore must be progressing to the next level. How wonderful.

After a chat with Ashley Katz, Jane would go to the grocery store. She prepared a quick menu in her head. Fried green tomatoes and okra, bacon wrapped jalapeño poppers with extra cream cheese, meatloaf sandwiches, oh and dessert. Banana pudding with the name brand wafers and lots of homemade whipped cream. Maybe a pie or two. Or a cake. Or both.

After buckling up, she turned on a little heat, activated the fancy, hands free thingy Beau had installed in the dash and dialed Conrad.

“Hello, Jane.” His husky tone sent shivers down her spine. The perfect accompaniment to the warm air spilling from the vents. “What can I do for you?”

See! Pleasant timbre! “You can agree to come to dinner tonight,” she said, easing the hearse onto the road. The sky finally opened up and showered raindrops over her windshield.With a flick of her finger, she engaged the wipers. “I’m having Team Truth over to meet Cartier. A cat.”

Wait. She blinked, then squinted. Wow. When had the world gotten so blurry? Probably time to swap out the wipers.

“You’re cooking? I will absolutely be there,” he replied. “Wyatt might be with me. But when did you get a second cat?”

“I didn’t. I’m cat-sitting. It’s a long story. I’ll explain later. And please do bring Wyatt.” His foster brother. She’d met the charmer only once, but he’d left a huge impression. “Any news you can share on our case?” she asked, fighting a sudden yawn. Oh wow. Fatigue washed over her. She might have to take a quick catnap after leaving the grocery store.

“Ourcase?” His decadent chuckle crackled over the line. Unfortunately, his amusement didn’t last long. “We released Mr. Belfry. He hasn’t been ruled out, but we don’t have a smoking gun yet.” The more he spoke, the more his voice struck her as far off and tinny. “Something his attorney happily pointed out.”

Thump. Thump. Thump.Her heart began to pound in her chest, signaling panic. Thing was, she wasn’t the least bit panicked. Was she? “Is his attorney named Devin Hagger?”

“He might be.”

Practically a confirmation. Important. In need of pondering. But focusing made her head hurt. Bad. “Conrad, I…I’m not feeling so hot right now. Maybe I should reschedule.”

“You do sound off.” Concern seeped from his voice. “What’s wrong, sweetheart?”

“I don’t know.” Approaching a red light, she knew she was supposed to press the brake, but moving her foot became an impossible task. Unless she was supposed to do something else? Her mind couldn’t process…thoughts fragmented…think!Why couldn’t she think?

The car lurched forward, wipers swishing back and forth, clearing raindrops—revealing a truck coming from the left. She’d crossed lanes? She should do something. Yes? Muscles tensing, she yanked on the steering wheel—yes! She’d cleared the light without slamming into the other vehicle.Hadn’t she? A horn blared as she struggled for air she couldn’t catch. Sweat broke out across her brow and along the back of her neck.

“What’s going on, Jane?” Conrad’s concern grew, giving her name a hard punch. In the background, papers rustled. “Pull over. Now.”

“Bad idea. Can’t see real well.” Her vision fuzzed again, and this time the world constricted. “Just gonna stop.” But though she fought to lift her foot from the gas and press the brake, her limb still refused to obey. She even lost her hold on the steering wheel as her body went boneless.

Up ahead, blobs of silver, blue and white passed through another intersection, coming from both the left and right sides. Was this…the end? Her heart pounded harder.

“Jane? Tell me you’ve stopped.”

“Promise you’ll care for Rolex.” More horns blared as she barreled straight ahead.“Conrad, I may be falling for y—” A high-pitched ring erupted in her ears, the world around her blackening.

Impact! Metal crunched and gears ground as her brain rattled against her skull. Her body flung forward and ricocheted back. The darkness consumed her.