Yep. Sure enough. To ensure the woman didn’t bug her the rest of the night, Jane answered with a firm, “This is Miss Ladling.” Someone pat her on the back, because dang. She’d never sounded more professional.

“About time,” the journalist muttered. Then at a louder volume, she said, “Hello. My name is Ashley Katz, and I’m with the Headliner. If you have a few minutes, I’d love to talk with you about—”

“I don’t have a few minutes,” Jane interjected. “I don’t even have a few seconds.”

Far from deterred, the reporter asked, “Are you sure? Because rumors are already circulating. Several people in town think you paid your friends to kill Anthony Miller in order to spice up your party.”

Well. As far as motives went, that wasn’t bad. “What about the rumors suggestingyourinvolvement, Ms. Katz? I heard you might have committed the heinous crime to give yourself a story.” Truth. Jane had heard it all right…in her own mind. Just now. And honestly? It made all kinds of sense. The woman’s persistence screamedOn the hunt for a cover-up.

After sputtering a bit, the reporter hung up. Jane decided to pay her new nemesis a visit very soon and confront her about her potential involvement directly.

Satisfied with a job well done, she double checked the position of her headband, then rejoined Conrad in the living room. He waited by the door, his expression softening as she approached.

When he wound his arm around her waist and escorted her outside, her heart thumped all over again. Warmth radiated from him, chasing away the evening chill. She waved to Rolex before shutting and locking the door.

Conrad helped her into his sedan. Soon, they were on the road, headed to…the city? Oh goodness gracious. A solid hour in a small space, breathing in his incredible scent? Would she survive? Already her thoughts were growing foggy, making her forget all the reasons being with him was a terrible idea.

“Where, um, are we going?” she asked.

Amusement played at the corner of his mouth. He looked so confident behind the wheel of a car, so at ease. “You’ll see.”

“You seriously won’t tell me?”

“I seriously won’t.” He reached over and linked their fingers, resting their joined hands against the top of her thigh. “I know how much you enjoy mysteries.”

I will not fall for this man. At last, the reasons surged to the forefront of her mind. She had rules, remember? Very strict rules. The strictest! “Tell me another horrible fact about yourself right this second. A truth worse than the toilet paper thing if possible. Make it something sure to color my perception of you for the rest of eternity.”

“No problem.” He gave her hand a little squeeze. “I’ve been saving this one for a high danger moment. Are you sure you’re ready for it, though?”

Realizing she was clinging to him, she nodded. “Beyond ready. Horrify me.”

“Here goes.” He brought her hand to his mouth and kissed her knuckles. Wait. Did she detect a slight tremor? Her jaw went slack. What the heck did he plan to tell her? “I—nope. I won’t tell you this, either.” A shake of his head. “You think you’re ready, but you’re not.”

“Oh! You little tease!” He’d done that on purpose. “You got me all excited for nothing.”

“Don’t worry, sweetheart.” His voice dipped. “Before the night is over, I’ll excite you again. It’s my mission.”

* * *

Jane remaineddazed and breathless for the rest of the drive, still clinging to Conrad’s hand. When he stopped in the lot of a well-lit city park, she scanned the area with unsurpassed curiosity. Trees showed off an array of fall colors. A wealth of orange, red and gold. Old-fashioned streetlights mixed with small glowing bulbs lined cobblestone paths. But…why here?

“This is Loblolly Park,” he explained. “I used to picnic here with my family. Before.”

He didn’t fill in the rest, but then, he didn’t need to. Before. The time a car accident killed his parents and younger brother, sending Conrad into a succession of different foster homes and facilities.

Without thinking things through, she brought Conrad’s hand to her mouth and kissedhisknuckles.A gesture of comfort and empathy.

She lifted her head, and he used his other hand to trace the pad of his thumb along the outline of her lips. A gasp escaped her, and she released him. He didn’t pull back. He glided his fingers over her jawline and hooked a lock of hair behind her ear. Tremors rocked her.

“C’mon.” Taking pity on her, he reached for a large wicker basket stowed in the back seat. “We’ve got a little hike ahead of us.”

A picnic? Oh, how delightful!

He exited into the moonlight, then strode around to open her car door. After helping her out, he led her along the light-lined path. Walking trails fanned off in several directions. How often had young Conrad run and laughed and played here? They passed a pavilion, a massive playground and a gorgeous two-tiered fountain. Crystal blue water poured over a basin filled with shiny coins.

“Did you ever make a wish?” she asked.

“Once or twice.”