On the screen, Jane caught sight of Devin Hagger. Short and round, with a comb-over.While he’d looked dangerous in person, he lacked charisma on film. In the first frame, a revolving camera captured the tail end of his conversation with Tony. Hagger seemed to snap a retort or insult before storming away. Exactly as Beau had described. Though there was no sign of Beau nearby to clue her in about his mysterious activities. Or even Emma, who’d also witnessed this event.

Tony headed in the opposite direction of Hagger, soon getting lost in the darkness.

In the second frame, less than a minute before Fiona’s scream, Hagger leaned against a great magnolia tree, smoking a cigarette next to a sign that read No Smoking On Premises. Well. Clearly he believed rules did not apply to him.

He climbed her list too, joining Dr. Price in the number one spot.

Hagger could have murdered Tony, sprinted to the tree, and lit up to create an illusion of relaxation, as well as an alibi. His motive seemed pretty clear—getting rid of a problematic co-worker. It was a well-known fact Tony had lost a ton of cases lately. No doubt Hagger had been eager to end their association to preserve his reputation and business.

Oh! Who wasthis? Jane rewound the footage and paused on the image of a lean, mean guy with longish brown hair and a goatee. She didn’t recall seeing him in the welcome tent, either before or after the murder. Had he snuck in and out? Committed the crime and bailed, perhaps?

After printing his picture, she replayed the video from the start, searching only for him.

Well, well, well. Definitely a sneaker-inner. Goatee showed up in many of the same frames as Emma, but always lurking in the shadows somewhere behind her, looking as mad as a hornet. Learning his identity became priority one.

A yawn overtook Jane, nearly cracking her jaw. Goodness gracious. Look at the time. Four in the morning. She’d missed dinner and a midnight snack. At least Rolex had a new feeder timed to provide his meals.

She checked her text messages. Yikes! So many!

Fionality:Raymond is demanding to go home. Obviously, he’s his usual self again. Cardiologist wants to monitor him for another couple days and run some tests. Okay if we skip knitting this week? I plan to stay at his house and pamper him back to health.

Jane replied with gushing assurance and a thousand exclamation points.

Agent Spice:Don’t even think about canceling our date, sweetheart. I have something very special planned…

She gulped and read on.

Beaudyguard:I’m in the middle of something, so Trick is coming by in the morning to patrol the grounds. Also, rumor has it the Waynes have returned from “vacation” with Hotchkins.

Ugh. The widow Tiffany Hotchkins and siblings Robby Waynes and Abigail Waynes-Kirkland. A threesome Jane had accused of murder. But then, whohadn’tshe accused? Tiffany wasn’t terrible, but the Waynes sucked hardcore. They believed Jane was hiding massive amounts of gold in coffins, thanks to an ancient, gold-worshiping cult known as the Order of Seven and a founding member who graced Jane’s family tree. They were the three who’d attempted to dig up a grave.

But dang it, what task occupied Beau’s time and attention?

Nurse Emma:I don’t mean to pester you, but I’m scared, Jane. Any updates on my case?


All caps? Really? Suddenly Jane had zero desire to respond to the woman now or ever. A hack who apparently used salacious headlines to gain readers.

Cartier’s Mom:Hi Jane. It’s Lucy. Just letting you know I emailed my interactions with Tony to the address on the Garden’s website. I hope that’s okay? The file was too big to text. Also, look how cute!!!!! Cartier is wearing the dress I bought her.

The attached photo revealed the chonky calico in a pink tutu. In Jane’s humble opinion, it was a glorious image. And if she didn’t buy a tux for Rolex by end of day tomorrow, she needed to rethink her life choices.

Agent Spice:By the way. I spoke with Hightower about Dr. Price and Dr. Garcia.

Not reply? Impossible.Jane:And?????????????

Her phone rang a second later, and she gasped with surprise.Should have known he’d call.

Heart thudding, she pressed the cell to her ear. “Hello, Conrad.”

“Go to bed, sweetheart. There’s still time to grab a few hours of rest.” His rumbly voice sent shivers down her spine. “You can investigate tomorrow. Trust me when I say you want to be fully cognizant for our date.”

Flutters floated from her belly to her throat. “What areyoudoing awake? And you didn’t answer my question.”

He ignored the question again. “I’m not sharing anything I’ve learned until we’re seated by the glow of candlelight, eating a meal that isn’t nearly as good as yours, and you’re batting those baby blues, making me forget my good sense. And even then I’m only sharing the barest tidbits.”

“You’re blackmailing me?” She smiled slow but sure. “Why, Officer Detective Special Agent Ryan, that’s a bona fide crime.”