Dr. Garcia worked at the clinic with Emma. He could’ve swiped the medication for his employee. But… “Dr. Price?” Never heard of him.

“What’s this? Do I know something about Aurelian Hills that you don’t?” A twinkle entered Conrad’s whiskey eyes. “Dr. Price moved to town about six months ago. He works in a rival clinic. Med and Care.”

Well, well. The last two murders had been committed by newcomers. Would the pattern continue? “Describe him, please,” she invited.

He moaned but said, “Six foot four. Black, with a muscular build. Short hair. Brown eyes. No tattoos or noticeable scars.”

Hmm. Sounded like the dreamboat Lucy had spotted. “This is a serious investigation, Conrad. Details matter. When you say short hair, are we talking a standard buzz cut? Or something with a fade? Any curls?” Lucy mentioned curls. “And by brown, do you mean a deep sable, classic honey, or rich chestnut?”

His mouth opened and closed. “Yes?”

Men! The world’s worst observers. “I don’t recall seeing the name Price on the guest list.”

“Lucas Robichaud added his name to your roster the night of the party. Says the guy bought a ticket at the door.”

Um, who? “Lucas Robichaud?”

“I think you call him Trick.”

Oh. So that was his name. Wait. A last-minute decision to attend a fancy, costumed event? Suspicious! Jane added Dr. Price to her list of suspects, as well as Dr. Garcia, then double checked the others. Emma, Lucy, and Devin Hagger. Yep. All belonged. No changes necessary.

With such a minefield of probable guiltiness, something good had to blow up soon.

She really, really needed to watch her own security footage ASAP. And touch base with the booth operators. And also check out the Headliner online and finally speak with the reporter.

Hey! Speaking of, Jane spotted a copy of the new Headliner Weekly on the table beside Conrad. Leaning over, she swiped up the printed page to check it out. Anything about the murder?

The headline read “Cemetery Owner Dead Quiet.” The article—written by Ms. Ashley Katz—went on to discuss the author’s determination to unmask Tony’s killer.

Great! An amateur was horning in on Jane’s territory. Just what she didn’t need. At least Ms. Katz hadn’t mentioned Fiona or Beau as suspects.

Jane tossed the paper aside, whispering to Conrad, “Are you-know-who still suspects?” She didn’t want anyone to overhear this part of the conversation. Give her friend another worry? No thanks.

Conrad leveled a what-do-you-think look on her. Enough said. Or not said. Yep, Fiona and Beau were still suspects.

“Jane Eleanor Ladling,” Fiona announced, banging the arm of her chair. Had she overheard the conversation, after all? “You’ve got to leave. Go on now. Get.”

What! Abandon her favorite person in the world? The kind woman who’d held her hand at every funeral, even those she’d hosted for her deceased dolls? The cherished friend who’d dried her tears and kissed her booboos? Never! “Hardly. I’m staying with you.”

The older woman gave a clipped shake of her head. “You are leaving, and that’s that. I’m already decided. You are solving this murder. With you leading the charge, victory is assured. Raymond can stop stressing and recover much faster.”

Conrad cleared his throat and spread his arms wide, alldo you see the special agent sitting right here?

Fiona waved a dismissive hand in his direction, as if he were making a joke. “Don’t worry,” she told Jane. “The boys are here, and they are happy to take care of me.”

Conrad grumbled under his breath, and Beau folded his lips behind his teeth, clearly trying not to laugh.

“Aren’t you, boys?” Fee demanded.

“Yes, ma’am,” the two piped up in unison.

A sense of purpose and unshakable determination washed over Jane. Fiona was right. Shemustdo this. For her friends, and the sheriff. For Team Truth. For the Garden. For the entire town!

Jane kissed the other woman’s cheek. “Rest assured, I will cross any line to accomplish our goal. Nothing and no one is safe.”

“I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that,” Conrad said.

Reaching out, she patted Beau’s hand. “Keep me updated. And don’t forget to bring me those crime scene photos.”