“Agreed. A true act of heroism.”

Brightening at the show of support, Lucy shifted in her seat. “Right?” Within seconds, however, she sagged into herself. “There’s more to my story. See, Tony attempted to blackmail me at your party. He said I needed to give him information about his ex-wife or he would provide Oliver with proof of what I’d done.”

Jane scribbled her thoughts as swiftly as possible, doing her best to hide her astonishment. Aurelian Hills truly was a hotbed of illegal activity. “What kind of information did Tony seek?”

“Well, he wanted to know how much money Ms. Miller had in her account. How often she made withdrawals. If she’d used her bank card at any restaurants in the city.”

All good questions. Jane wouldn’t mind knowing those answers either. Had Tony’s obsession with finding out if Emma had a boyfriend driven his actions all evening?

“What did you tell him?” she asked.

Affront tightened the loan officer’s expression. “Nothing,” she said as her spine went ramrod straight. “First, I don’t even know that kind of information off the top of my head. Second, that’s a violation of at least three banking secrecy laws and privacy statutes.”

Or Lucy had told him everything and now covered her tracks. “How did Tony react to your refusal?”

“He was furious.” Her chin quivered. “Then he caught sight of someone, cursed, and gave chase.”

Yes, that tracked with what Jane herself had seen. “Any idea why he’d want to follow this mystery person?”

“None. I didn’t recognize him.” Her eyes went soft and dreamy. “Trust me, I would have remembered meeting him.”

Oh? “Describe him, please.”

“Certainly.” Lucy propped her elbows on the desktop. “He was over six feet, black, with short, curly hair and the richest brown eyes. Obviously he likes to work out. He wore a suit that fit him perfectly, a fedora hat, white tie and spats. There was a slight air of gentlemanly danger around him. Honestly, he was the kind of guy who makes you wish he’d pick you up and carry you away.”

“Yes, I’m familiar with the type.” And good to know Lucy liked muscular men, because Trick, Isaac and Holden packed major heat. But. Jane didn’t recall seeing such a buffet of masculinity at the event—or in the tent after the murder occurred—and she employed expert level observation skills sometimes.

Had Fedora purposely avoided the authorities? Had he participated in the game or come for a genuine murder? Surely other people had spotted him.Had he purchased a ticket or snuck in? She would ask Trick, her ticket taker.

Perhaps someone had even snapped photos of Fedora. Either way, Jane figured she’d catch sight of him when she watched the security feed. Later. After she visited the Gilded Scissor Beauty Shop across the street.At the party, the bank and the salon had been neighbors. Maybe the stylists remembered the guy.

“Do you know of anyone else who might have wanted to hurt Tony?” Jane asked.

Lucy nodded with enthusiasm. “I’ve given this tons of thought. I think Devin Hagger, Tony’s partner, might be involved. He visited my booth and demanded to know what Tony said to me.”

Hmm. Both Emma and Lucy had happily tossed Hagger under the bus, which made him seem less guilty and them more so. Could the two women be working together? “I’ll be speaking with Mr. Hagger tomorrow, don’t worry. If you’ll send me a copy of every photo you took at the event, as well as your correspondence with Tony, I’ll be better equipped to deal with the partner.”

“Yes, yes. Will do. So you’ll do it? You’ll take my case?” Lucy anchored her elbows on the desk and leaned forward. “You’ll find the real killer and prove my innocence? I can pay you. Not much, but something.”

Jane had wondered if Emma sought to inject herself into the investigation to manipulate any evidence. Now, she had to wonder the same thing about Lucy. But. Same deal. Since Jane planned to look into things, anyway, why not take advantage of this all-access pass to a suspect?

“Yes, I’ll take the case,” she announced. “I want the truth, and that’s what I’ll deliver. All I request in return is a promise for playdates with Cartier once the culprit is caught.” As long as Lucy turned out to be innocent, of course. “I have a cat, too. His name is Rolex, and he’s the sweetest, most precious darling in the world.” Considering the endearing way he’d reacted to Cheddar, he obviously desired a friend. His wish, her command.

A smile bloomed over the loan officer’s lovely face. “I knew you were the right person for this job. And Rolex sounds amazing. I’m in love with him already.”

“Heisamazing.” She handed over her phone to show off a few dozen photos. “If you scroll left quickly, it’ll seem like you’re watching him live and in person.”

Lucy oohed and awed with the appropriate amount of awe, both delighting Jane and fueling her suspicions. Another suspect’s possible attempt to butter her up?

When a text chimed from the device, the other woman’s cheeks reddened, and she returned the phone in a hurry. “Um. I didn’t mean to read it, I promise.”

Uh-oh. Jane’s stomach churned as she checked the screen, unsure what to expect.

Agent Spice:By the way, I’m taking your silence on the subject as a yes, I should come over tonight and plan to stay a while. I promise not to kiss you unless you ask nicely–or demand it.

Oh, sweet goodness. The man certainly knew how to steal the air from her lungs. “Yes. Well.” She cleared her throat, opting to respond to Conrad once her brain came back online. “He’s kind of my, um, boyfriend.” The once forbidden word was getting easier to say. “We’re dating. Well, notdatingdating. Not yet. Maybe not ever. I’m still deciding. But I’m leaning toward saying yes. We’re together and we’re exclusive.”Shut up. You’re babbling.

“I understand,” Lucy assured her with a firm nod. For some reason, the assurance struck Jane as genuine. “I once dated-not-dated a guy I only ever spoke with through text. Our relationship lasted three months.”