On the other hand, she had indeed experienced the horrors of being accused of a crime she hadn’t committed. Emma might be on to something.

On the other, other hand, Jane’s original suspicions remained valid. Turning on the waterworks? A classic move of the guilty.

“I’ll pay you whatever you want.” Emma shifted in her seat. “Name your price.”

Did the nurse have the kind of money needed to properly toss around phrases like “name your price?” Rumors suggested Tony had stiffed her hard in the settlement. Another reason for murder.

“More than my reputation is on the line.” The other woman swiped at her damp cheeks with a trembling hand. “If I’m sent to prison, what will happen to my precious Cheddar?”

Oh man. Talk about a dagger to the heart. Also the most perfect thing to say to a fur mom as passionate as Jane. Too perfect? “Why not hire an experienced private detective?” Although, yes, shehadconsidered opening her own agency for extra cash and adventure. Only one slight problem. She didn’t quite fit the qualifications necessary for the great state of Georgia. Two years of experience with a licensed PI agency or a four-year degree in criminal justice.

“I admit I looked into it,” Emma said, wringing her hands, “but the closest private detective lives in Atlanta. There’s no way I’m paying a city boy—a stranger!—to poke around and bug the good people of Aurelian Hills. Who would even open up to him? Besides, you’ve more than proven your capabilities. You solved two cases already.”

Jane’s chin lifted. Yes, she had. Something GBH hadn’t given her credit for, by the way.

Wait, was Emma attempting to butter her up?

“Please say yes, Jane. You’ve been in my shoes, so you understand. And you’ll be investigating the case, anyway, right? I mean, I know agents spoke with Fiona and Beau at length.” A sharp edge entered her tone. “Rumors are already circulating about their involvement.”

Hold up. DidEmmathink Fiona and Beau were guilty? Was this a fact-finding mission about two of the most wonderful people in existence? Well, how dare she!

Jane’s grip on the mug tightened. Anyone who suspected the loving, beloved grandmother of three and the heroic war veteran with a heart of gold lacked common sense, and that was a fact.

Perhaps Emma hoped to shift blame onto someone—anyone—else. A far more likely scenario.

“If you think my friends are guilty,” Jane grated, “why hire me? Aren’t you afraid I’ll help frame you to clear their names?”

“I did consider the possibility,” Emma admitted. “Then I discarded it and decided to trust you. You’re scarily honest and somehow a good judge of character.” She drew in a deep breath and slowly exhaled. “Look. I doubt anyone else will take this case as seriously as you. Please,” she repeated. “If not for me, do it for Cheddar.”

Manipulation now?Well played, Miller.“Fine. I’ll do it,” she said and took another sip of her coffee. Clearly, Jane needed to keep a close watch on the nurse. “All I want in return is answers. And expenses.” Just in case she incurred any unavoidable fees. “Perhaps a play date for our babies, too.”

“Really? Oh, thank you, thank you, a thousand times, thank you,” Emma cried. Cheddar forgot all about Rolex and jumped onto his mother’s lap to lick her face. “See how happy you’ve made my little sweetie?”

Yes. Well. Maybe Emma was innocent, after all. Surely a dog wouldn’t love an evil murderess this intently. “Tell me everything that happened last night.”

Nodding, eager, Emma wrapped her arms around her pet. “I attended your party, as I said, because I felt I deserved an evening of fun. With the divorce and Mark—Dr. Hotchkins, well, things have been…not fun lately.”

Dr. Hotchkins, aka Dr. Hots. The first murder victim and the reason Jane met Special Agent Conrad Ryan.Donotsmile dreamily right now, Jay Bird.Too late.

Emma’s brow wrinkled with confusion. Still, she continued. “Tony was obviously trashed before he arrived. He was sneering, slurring his words, and insulting everyone who crossed his path. Especially me. He demanded to know if I had a boyfriend.”

Ohhh. Good question. “Do you?”

“I’ve been on a few dates. Nothing serious, though.” She shrugged, as if no big deal. “After several Mr. Wrongs, surely I’m due to find my Mr. Right.” Despite her show of indifference, defensiveness had coated every word.

Hmm. A bit too cagey about her romantic interests? Not that Jane could blame her. When anyone asked her about Conrad, she tended to babble about everything and nothing at the same time.

“Tell me the name of every date.” What if a would-be boyfriend had killed Tony in an attempt to impress Emma? Or out of jealousy. Or even to strike at her for being emotionally unavailable.

“Sure. I’m happy to text you a list. Not that it’s long or anything,” the nurse added in a rush. “But I met several guys online, and we chatted without going out.”

“Anything else you remember about that night?”

“Well. Just that before the game started, I saw Tony arguing with Devin Hagger. His business partner.”

Jane perked up. Beau had seen Devin Hagger, too. Last night’s suspicions resurged and solidified. What if the argument between partners had carried on, finally ending in murder? What if Hagger had agreed to help Fiona simply to make her look guiltier?

“I’m sorry. I don’t know much more than that.” Emma screwed up her nose, tears filling her eyes once again. “I had no idea my freedom would depend on keeping track of my ex-husband.”