Gripping the back of his neck, he tried not to think about it, but he kept coming back to the same thought.

“You know, I remember when she got a boyfriend,” Colonel said. “A little dipshit, you called him.”

Bad gritted his teeth.

“You were in a mood for months. Such a bad fucking mood. You were clearly pissed off. Angry at the world. Hated every single person for even existing.”

“Is this supposed to help me feel better?” Bad asked.

“The point is, you hated her being with anyone else. I would understand if you want to take some time out of the club to go see what it’s like to live with her. You know, have a taste of the couple’s life.”

Bad burst out laughing. “She’s not staying in one place anymore. She’s traveling. Wanderlust and all that.”

This time, Colonel started to laugh. Only, it began as a chuckle and quickly grew into a full-on laugh.

This was how Piper found him as she approached them with Charlotte. Ape wasn’t too far behind.

“Thanks, Prez,” Bad said.

“I’m sorry, but surely your dumb ass can see what I’m getting at here?” Colonel asked.

Piper handed him a coffee. “Did you break my man?”

“Nah, I didn’t break him.” He took the drink, thanking her for it, and then glared into the smoke.

“Okay, now that I can actually breathe, are you just fucking dumb?” Colonel asked. “This woman, the one you’ve been pining for, for I don’t know how long, is on the road, traveling, and you’re here?”

Bad glared straight ahead.

“Why not claim her?” Colonel asked.

This time, he turned to Colonel.

“The open road has worked for Piper and Charlotte. Why can’t it work for you?”

He ran a hand down his face. “She has never had a taste of this life.”

“Neither did I,” both women said in unison.

“I…” He couldn’t get his hopes up.

Chasing after her sounded like a great idea, and he wanted to, but he had to give her time. He had to allow her the chance to flourish.

“What?” Colonel asked.

“Charity has never been out on the open road. She may think this is what she wants, but life can hold challenges she’s not even prepared for. I’m not going to take that away from her because I want her.”

“You’re also not going to get your hopes up in case she doesn’t like this life?” Charlotte asked.


Piper sighed. “I don’t know. I think you’re judging too harshly. There is something freeing in not having a plan. In not knowing what the next day will bring. This is what real life is all about.” She smiled. “At least for me. She might surprise you.”

Bad wanted to be surprised. He fingered his cell phone, and all he wanted to do was call her.

“You’re not even going to ask her?”

“Nah, come on, man, she’s a woman. Women don’t want to live life on the road, and I don’t want that for her.”