Page 69 of Colorado Cold Case

“Never,” he said. “You’re everything to me. And it took almost losing you to realize just how much everything meant. I want to be with you always. I love you, Rachel West.”

Her eyes filled. “It’s a good thing,” she said. “Because I’ve kinda gotten used to having you around. I’ve never been in love before, but I’m pretty sure this is it.”

“Just pretty sure?”

Her hand squeezed his. “You make my knees tremble, and my heart beats faster when you’re around.”

He cupped her cheek. “Your face is the first one I want to see when I wake up in the morning and the last one I want to see before I go to sleep at night.”

Rachel leaned her face into his palm. “What do you say to getting to know each other better when we’re not racing against time or being chased by a killer?”

“I’d like nothing better.”

“Same,” she sighed. “Now, help me up. I want to get started on the part about getting to know each other better.”

“Hold on, tiger,” Griff laid a hand on her arm to keep her from getting out of the bed. “We’ll have plenty of time to make that happen—after you recuperate.”

She frowned. “I’ve never been patient when I’ve made up my mind what I want. Can I at least have a kiss?”

He laughed, gathered her gently in his arms and kissed her until her heart sang.

Yeah, this was the man for her.


“Hey,Griff, did you get the barbeque sauce?” Gunny called out from the grill.

“Yes, sir.” Griff hurried down the front porch steps of the lodge and handed over the bottle of sauce. “Smells good.”

“Barbeque ribs.” Gunny drew in a deep breath. “I think I like them even better than steak. And I like steak a lot. I’m glad to see Rachel up and about. We were all worried about her that night.”

“She’s strong and stubbornly determined,” Griff said. “I have to keep reminding her to slow down and let her insides heal.”

“We have a lot of strong-minded women around here. Can’t tell ’em anything,” Gunny said. “Still can’t get over the fact it was Alan Smith who was the killer among us.”

“Rodney Alan Smoot,” Rachel said as she joined them at the grill. “He had a lot of people fooled, including his parole officer. And strong-minded isn’t a bad thing.”

Gunny chuckled. “Heard that, did you?”

“Uh-huh.” Rachel smiled at the old Marine.

“It’s good to close several cold cases and let all their families heal,” Emily said from the porch swing.

“It takes a team to figure it all out,” Cage said.

“Couldn’t have done it without Rachel, Griff, our guys here and Hank’s guys in Montana,” Sawyer noted.

Rachel nodded. “I’d been working on it for three months, making no progress.”

“Even the Colorado Springs Police Department and State Police couldn’t figure it out,” Enzo said.

Rachel smiled up at Griff. “I got lucky when Griff pulled me out of the wreckage—and when he and Jake got to me before Alan could finish me off.” She glanced around at the men of the Brotherhood Protectors. “You have an amazing, supportive team of men and women. I’m happy to know you’re right here if I need you in my duties in the sheriff’s department.”

“You’re going to keep working for the sheriff?” Emily asked.

Rachel nodded. “I’m a cop. I protect my community, whether it’s in San Diego or Fool’s Gold. It’s who I am. Besides, Sheriff Faulkner needs me. They’re shorthanded.”

“How are those ribs coming?” Jake asked as he stepped out onto the porch, carrying a covered pot. “I’ve got the baked beans. RJ’s coming with the potato salad, and Thorn has the coleslaw.” He placed the beans on the middle picnic table of the three they’d put together on the lawn. “Did I hear you talking about Alan Smith?”