Page 21 of Colorado Cold Case

“Again, welcome aboard.” Hank shook Griff’s hand once more. “We need good men like you.”

Hank and Jake walked to the elevator. When the doors opened, a man carrying a pizza box stepped out.

Griff dug his wallet out of his pocket, extracted some bills and met the delivery guy halfway down the hall.

“Are you John Griffin?” the young man asked.

Griff nodded. “I am.”

“This is your pie.”

Griff took the box and handed the guy the bills. “Thank you.”

He turned to find Nurse Angela carrying two cups full of ice, with two cans of soda in her pockets. “Perfect timing,” she said.

Griff let her enter Rachel’s room first, following her in with the pizza.

Rachel grinned. “Thank goodness. I’m so hungry I could eat that entire pizza by myself.”

“It’s a good thing I ordered a large one,” Griff said.

The nurse set the cups of ice onto a table and rolled it over to Rachel. She pulled the cans out of her pockets and laid them on the table. “I’ll leave you to your meal. If you need anything, press the button.”

“Aren’t you staying for a slice?” Rachel asked.

Angela shook her head. “I’ve already had dinner but thank you for offering. I see you at the coffee shop sometimes. Thank you for your service to this community.”

Rachel’s cheeks flushed pink. “You’re doing more good for the people of this community than I could ever hope to do.”

“You’re sweet,” Angela said and turned to Griff. “And your fiancé is hot. Military?”

He nodded.

“Thank you for your service.” She turned back to Rachel, a frown denting her brow. “I swear you remind me of someone.”

Rachel stiffened.

The nurse’s eyes narrowed, and she touched a finger to her chin. “I think that every time I see you at the coffee shop.” Her eyes widened. “There used to be a barista who worked there. You two look so much alike.”

Rachel’s eyes filled, and her lips thinned.

Angela bit down on her bottom lip. “Such a horrible thing that happened to her. And they still haven’t found who did it.” She tilted her head. “You know about her?”

Rachel nodded.

“None of the women I know will hike alone anymore. I hope they find him soon. It’s scary leaving the hospital in the dark.”

“I’ll bet,” Griff said, ready for the kind nurse to leave.

“Look at me gossiping and such a depressing topic.” She shook her head. “I’m going so you can eat before your pizza gets colder.” Angela left the room.

Rachel sat silently for a long moment, staring at the door. “I should be used to this by now. I’ve had more than one person stop me and say how much I looked like the barista at the coffee shop.”

“Is that where your sister worked?” Griff asked as he grabbed paper towels from near the sink and spread them across the rolling table in front of Rachel.

She nodded. “I go in there every day for coffee, kind of as a way to capture a view of her life. She’d called me a few days earlier from the coffee shop to say her boyfriend had popped the question, and she’d said yes. Lindsay was so excited about starting the next phase of her life with her Bryan. She was gushing to everyone in the coffee shop.” Rachel’s mouth turned up in a smile.

“It makes you wonder…” Griff started.