Page 54 of Colorado Cold Case

“Fool’s Gold’s annual Founder’s Day,” RJ said.

“I’d forgotten about that,” Rachel said. “I was supposed to be on duty.” She frowned. “I’ll touch base with Sheriff Faulkner to see if they need me to step in.”

“No,” Griff said.

Rachel frowned. “They are shorthanded. It’s my job.”

“The sheriff specifically said for you to rest up for a couple of days,” Griff reminded her. “And I’m betting he wouldn’t want you patrolling alone once he finds out you’re the next target of a serial killer.”

“I can’t put my life on hold.” Rachel’s frown deepened. “We have no idea when he’ll make his move.”

“My bet is today,” Jake said.

“Agreed,” Thorn seconded.

“If he doesn’t get the opportunity, he’ll just wait for another day and another day until he does,” Rachel said. “I have to work to pay my bills.”

Griff laid his fork on his plate. “You won’t need to pay bills if you’re dead.”

She sighed. “This sucks.”

“Yes, it does.” RJ tossed her napkin onto her empty plate. “This guy is a twisted bastard who needs to be taken out.”

“Honey, you tell us who he is, and we will.” Jake leaned back, coffee cup in hand.

“That’s the problem,” Thorn said. “We don’t know who he is.”

“Yet.” Jake pushed back from the table. “I think we’re getting closer. Swede’s working the recently paroled and registered violent offenders angles in the area. “Hopefully, we’ll get hit.”

“I could do the same search at the sheriff’s office,” Rachel said.

“Swede’s already on it.” Griff stood and gathered his plate and Rachel’s. “Once he’s narrowed it down, we can go through the list, touch bases with parole officers and track them down.”

“We can send out a couple of our guys to weed through them,” Jake said.

“I want to be in any interrogations,” Rachel said.

“With parole officers, maybe,” Griff said. “I wouldn’t want you to get too close to the killer himself.”

Rachel’s eyes narrowed. “I want to be the one who takes him down.”

“If he’d killed someone I loved, I’d want to take him down, too,” RJ said.

“We all would feel the same.” Jake took RJ’s empty plate. “I’ll wash dishes if you clear the tables.”

“I’ll help with the dishes,” RJ said.

Everyone helped carry dishes from the big table and the guest tables into the kitchen.

Rachel and Griff cleared the buffet and wiped it clean.

Once the dining room was finished, Rachel said, “I’m going up to brush my teeth.”

Griff smiled. “I’m going with you.”

They ran up the stairs and into Rachel’s room. Griff kicked the door shut and pulled Rachel into his arms. “I’ve wanted to do this since I woke up.”

“You should have. It would’ve been a much better way to wake up than to an empty bed.”