Then I go back to watching Pet on the screen. She’s still shouting, as if someone might hear and will come and save her. No one is coming. No one can hear. Not even me, but I see it all there in grainy black and green infrared, her mouth gaping in a frustrated, tear-filled scream. Oh, the things I’ll make her do with that mouth.

I run a finger over her face on the monitor and smile as all the blood in my body rushes to my cock. “I’m gonna make you scream, twinkle toes.”

But first, I’m going to jack off, pop a few pills, and take a two-day nap. Forty-eight hours in a cold, dark cell, and she’ll be so starved for company she’ll practically beg me to fuck her.



“Wake up, Pet.”

Her eyes spring open and she skitters across the floor, away from my touch. “Don’t touch me. Don’t fucking touch me.”

I make a tutting sound and wag my finger. “Uh-uh-uh. You don’t want to make your Sir mad now, do you?”

Her eyes swell with tears, and they spill over her lashes and down her milky white skin. “What do you want from me?”

“Your total submission, but right now I’ll settle for you getting your sweet ass up off the floor so I can make you clean.”

“Fuck you!”

A dark chuckle slips free of my throat. She’s adorable. About as threatening as a newborn kitten, but spirited, I’ll give her that. I can’t wait to break her of it. “I would, but you’re smelling a little ripe, Pet, and I don’t fuck barnyard animals.”

She sniffles and wipes her nose on the back of her hand. I’ve offended her. “Please, I just want to go home.”

“But you don’t remember where that is, do you?” I bend down and stroke her hair. She flinches. My hands come away with greasy residue. That’s what happens when you’re used to being pampered your whole life. This girl has never known a day without soap or shampoo. She’s never been unclean like this, and though she might not remember who she is, I bet it’s eating her up inside. “I asked you a fucking question. I expect an answer.”

“Don’t hurt me, please? Please?”

“Oh, I’m going to hurt you, over and over until you’re so used to pain mixed with pleasure that you begin to crave it. Until you beg me for more. And that’s not an answer.” I let out an impatient sigh and remember I need to go slow with her. It’s our first day. Our first date, if you will. I could give two shits about her mentally plotting my death every time I enter her cell or her body, she will grow to love the things I do to her. “On your feet.”

She cowers. The whimpering begins, and I close my eyes and listen. I love it when they cry. Nothing gets my dick harder. I’m fucked up like that.

“Here’s the deal, princess: I don’t play nice. I don’t care if you’re sad and crying for your daddy. I’m your daddy now, and the only thing your tears will do is make me hard as a fucking rock. So get up, because you’re taking a shower, and Iamgetting between your thighs today.”
