“Shh.” He trails his fingers over my breast, down my abdomen. I’m physically drained, but not so tired that a thrill doesn’t run through me at his touch. When he slides his hands between my legs, I gasp. I can’t handle any more teasing right now. I need rest. I grab his wrist, attempting to pull him away but he encircles my nape with his free hand and crushes his lips to mine, swallowing my protests. His tongue swirls against my own, probing, coaxing.

I break away with a moan. I can’t breathe. I want his touch, these sweet caresses, and his firm mouth on mine, but they frighten me too. I can’t trust this softer side of him. I don’t know what to expect, and that’s more terrifying than the knowing. “Sir, I—”

“Shh, Pet,” he whispers. “I’m breaking all the rules now.”

I’m instantly sobered by his words.What rules? Isn’t he the one who makes them? I moan, but it comes out like a sob. “Why?”

“Because I’m weak where you’re concerned. Pathetically weak. Enough questions. I’m going to make you come.”

“Yes, Sir, please.”

Without preamble, Sir quickens his pace, rubbing my clit until the pleasure spikes within. I come in seconds. It’s light and shadow, color and monochrome, pain and pleasure, and I sink in it, drown in it. I moan and relax back into him, weightless.

“Good girl. That’s it, Pet, let go.” He draws me up the bed with him, and spoons me from behind, his heavy arm falling over my side protectively. He kisses my hair, and I sigh, satiated, content.

“Thank you, Sir.”

“Your pleasure is my pleasure, Pet. Your pain, my pain. Though you’ll pay later for using my name,” he murmurs.

I stop breathing. I wasn’t even aware of doing it.

“Sleep now. Later you’ll be punished, and then we’ll join the others.”

“Why do you do it if you hate them so much?”

“Because sometimes even the big, bad wolf has to pay his taxes.”

I don’t understand that at all, but I chuckle anyway because the idea of the wolf handing over anything but pain is a foreign concept to me.

“Relax, Pet, I have you. You’re safe.”

I fall asleep to the sound of his heart beating against my back, and his hot breath on my neck, and I wonder what I ever did before the wolf came along to eat me.

