“Good girl,” he whispers, kneading the kink in my shoulder. “This will hurt.”

No sooner have the words left his mouth than I feel the sting of the leather against my inner thighs. It’s blinding. Not a playful tap. It’s hard, unrelenting, white-hot pain. Then he moves higher, and strikes my sex. I scream.

“Who is your Master?”

I sob. Another blow lands at the apex between my legs.

“Who is your Master?” Another thwack, short and sharp as the edge of the belt licks my clit. I gape, wanting to cry, to scream, but no sound comes out. If I ignore him, he’ll continue lashing me. “Whose pussy is this?

He slides his fingers over my swollen labia. My breath hitches in my throat, turning into a startled cry as he finds my clit and strokes with brutal force.

“Whose pussy is this?”

I roar my frustration at him. “Mine.”

“Wrong.” He hits me again, this time over the sensitive flesh he was just teasing. Pleasure melds with pain, a blissful arc that warms my blood and sends tingles all over. “Whose?”

“Yours!” I hang my head, leaning all of my weight into my bound arms and shoulders. I am bereft. I am broken. “Yours, Sir. It’s yours.”

“And who gets to touch this pussy?”

“You, Sir.”

“Tell me, Pet, who isn’t permitted to touch this gorgeous cunt?”

“Me. I’m not allowed to touch, Sir.”

“That’s right. So the next time you behave like a brat and think it’s a good idea to slide your bound hands between your legs and get yourself off, think again.”

My breath stops.Oh God, the cameras.

“There isn’t a single thing in your day that I don’t control.”

“Then why didn’t you stop me? Why did you let me think I’d gotten away with it?”

“Because, Pet, planning up appropriate punishments and exacting them out is fun.”

“You’re sick!” I spit.

“Am I now? And yet you’re the one who was so pent up from my ministrations that you had to get yourself off in my cell. You like this, don’t you? Having your choice taken away from you?”

“No!” I shake my head, but I can’t hold it up for long. I don’t have the strength anymore. “You’re wrong, and you’re going to rot in hell.”

“Oh, little one, we’re already in hell, and I’m your god now.” He encircles my throat with one thick hand, forcing me to meet his gaze. “Who owns you?”

I don’t answer, and he shoves the fingers of his free hand inside me, rubbing his thumb over my clit. Desire zips from the soles of my feet through my core. I pant and beg for release as he fucks me with his hand. I’m close, so close I can hear that incredible crescendo in my head as pleasure threatens to toss me in its waves, but Ares jerks his hand free and steps back. “I can see you need a little more time to find the answer.”

He leaves the room, and a scream tears free of my chest.


Iopen my eyes. I don’tknow how long has passed since he left me last, but I know I’m at risk of serious nerve damage if I’m not released soon. I can no longer feel my arms or shoulders. I no longer feel anything. I’m already dead.

The door opens. Ares’ strides swallow the distance between us. He grips my throat, strong fingers sinking into my flesh with bruising force. “Who owns you, Pet?”

His hands starve me of oxygen. I couldn’t answer even if I wanted to. I choke and flail against my restraints. Adrenalin pumps blood through my tired limbs at a rapid rate, causing them to ache and wake up as the numbness disperses.

He lets go. His iron grip transforming into a gentle caress down my collarbone and breasts. I take huge gulping breaths. My mouth is parched, dried up like the desert, but I won’t let him leave without first hearing my answer. I clear my throat and rasp, “I. Do.”