Fear pierces my gutlike a knife. I take a deep breath. It’s as if I’m breathing through lungs full of tar. My joints scream, my ribs beg for mercy with every inhalation, and I can’t get enough air.

Where am I?

Wh-whoam I?

I come up on my knees, and glance around. Behind me there’s a steel door. I get to my feet and stagger towards it. There’s no handle so I push on the smooth, cold surface. It doesn’t budge. I race to the glass wall beside it and pound my fists until they sting. It’s not glass at all, but a thick Perspex.A hamster cage.

I’m naked and bruised, too thin, and I do not know this body. I stand and stare at my reflection, touching my slender fingers to the girl mirrored back. Her eyes are hollow, her skin pale, her breasts and hips too small to be considered womanly, and her long, dark hair falls in greasy strands around her face.

A man stands behind her, his features distorted by the reflection.

I scream and spin around, my gaze frantically surveying the stranger. A lazy smile flits across his face as he studies me from beyond the glass. His hair is pitch black, his clothes are too, and a tattoo plays peekaboo with the collar of his motorcycle jacket. Dark eyes bore into mine, unyielding, unrepentant.

“Please,” I beg, hammering on the wall. “Help me. Please let me go.”


Istartle awake toa hot mouth on my pussy and Parker’s head between my thighs. As nice as it is to have his attention focused on me instead of work, I also want to hurt him. This is the only chance I have to sleep in.

He tugs the sheet from my body and grins up at me.

“No, no, no. It’s too early.”

“Too early for this?” He licks my clit—one firm stroke up, and another down. I shiver and buck my hips, despite my earlier protests. His laughter is muffled by his lips kissing my slick, and now far-too-needy flesh. “That’s what I thought.”

“I’m definitely breaking up with you. I can’t afford this kind of sleep deprivation opening night.”

“You’ve been saying that for the last three years.” He sinks his teeth into my inner thigh, but not with any real force, and not hard enough to mark. Never that. “I’m a dancer; I don’t have time to date. I have to focus on my career. I’m breaking up with you.”

“That is a truly horrendous impression of me.” I pout. Parker playfully nips at my pubic mound, and snakes out his tongue, teasing me. “Fine, I’m not breaking up with you. I may murder you, however, if you don’t focus on the task at hand.”

“Oh, this task?” He circles my entrance with a fingertip and pushes inside. I cry out, caught off guard by the brutality behind his movements. He twists his fingers, hooking them into a come-hither gesture, and I arch my back off the mattress, and run my hands over my breasts, tweaking my nipples. A bolt of pleasure arcs between my breasts and pussy, and I writhe my hips against the sheets as Parker lowers his head and laves at my clit. My entire body quakes with need, my muscles twinge with soreness, and I make a mental note to finish my makeup with plenty of time to warm up slowly before the show tonight. I’ll likely have to stretch after this too.

I grip Parker’s sleep-mussed blond hair and don’t let go until my orgasm crashes over me. As usual, I’m barely afforded a second before he’s climbing up the space between my legs and thrusting inside me. He isn’t one for a lot of foreplay, or basking. He’s far too busy for that.