Page 29 of The Trouble With Us

“Don’t make me beg,” he says, but his grin is completely ostentatious now because he knows he has me.

I decide to make him work a little harder. “I can’t go to Vegas, Gabe. I have work tomorrow.”

“So, call in sick. Pete’s been working you like a dog anyway. I have this interview and photoshoot—which shouldn’t take long—and then I’ll be free as a bird and all alone.”

“You never mentioned a photoshoot,” I tease, poking his arm.

“Shut up.”

“Will you be naked? Is this anInked Girlstype of publication, but with penises?”

“Fuck off. As if I would let my junk hang out for all the world to see.”

“Oh, come on. As if every single one of your female clients wouldn’t snap that sucker up just to get a look at Gabe Laurier’s package.” I laugh. “It would be the highest selling issue they’d ever had.”

“You’re an asshole. You are aware of this, right?”

“Call it payback for waking me on my only day off, Dash.”

“Come on, Freckles. You gotta come with me. I miss my best friend.”

I sigh. “You’re gonna get me fired.”

Gabe smiles like he’s already won—which let’s be honest, we both know he has. “Here’s the deal. I’m gonna go get us some coffee and snacks, you get up and take a shower ’Cause, babe, you’re getting kind of stinky.”

“Oh my god. Why? Why do I keep you around only to have you torment me?”

“You love me.”

“Yeah, well some days I want to drive your tattoo gun right through your eye.”

“But then how would I be able to take in your radiant bedhead?”

“Get out of my fucking room.” I throw my pillow at him and roll over. “I hate you.”

“Then it’s settled. We’re going to Vegas, baby.”

Thirty minutes later, I’m showered, dressed, and my face is partially made-up when Gabe returns with snacks and two Grande coffees from our favorite barista.

He hands one off to me and lounges on my bed as I eye him in the mirror. I take a sip, savoring the bittersweet flavor. “Oh god. Sometimes, I don’t want to kill you.”

“You’re so much nicer to be around when you’re caffeinated.” Gabe sips his own coffee as he studies my room. “Did you pack yet?”

“Pack?” I lower my liquid eyeliner to glare at him.

“You didn’t think we were driving all the way there and back in one day, did you?”

“You didn’t tell me it was a packing situation.”

“You said you were taking tomorrow off.”

“Yeah, to sleep after traveling with your annoying ass all day.”

“God, Freckles. Admit it, you’d be fucking lost without me.”

“Or sane.” I give his reflection an acerbic smile as he disappears into my closet. He’s not wrong though. I would be lost without Gabe. I just hope I never have to see a world without him in it.