I go, and put mine carefully around his waist. Leo rubs my back. “You can come over for dinner whenever you want,” he says.

“And you won’t murder anyone?”

“I can’t promise that.”

“You won’t murder Emerson?”

“No. I won’t. But I wouldn’t get your hopes up. He had enough trouble walking down the beach.”

“Well, yeah. You came here to kill him. What did you expect?”

He gives a rueful laugh and hugs me tighter. “We’ll make dinner plans later. Come on.”


Leo turns me around and walks me to the door of the studio. “Haley’s waiting at home.” He clambers down the stairs like this is his own house. “Carter.”

Carter and Emerson come out of Emerson’s office. “Are we leaving?”

“Yes.” Carter hands Leo his coat, and Leo shrugs it on. “Emerson. Give me your phone.”

Emerson blinks. “For what?”

“Phone.” Leo holds out his hand and waits for Emerson to hand over his phone. “I don’t like leaving you here,” he says to me. “You have to text me. You have to talk to me. I want to hear from you every day. I need to know that you’re okay. And if this asshole makes you cry, I will come back and end him.”

The corner of Emerson’s mouth curves up.

“And you.” Leo hands Emerson’s phone back. “Your security is a fucking joke. Completely unacceptable. I’ll send some recommendations. Either you’ll hire a team or I will. And if something happens, which it had better fucking not, I’m your first call.”

Emerson considers this, his gaze clear. “Why?”

Leo lets out an exasperated breath. “This is your house, but you’re living with her, not the other way around. You’ll have to accept it.”

“Accept what?” Emerson asks.

“Being a Morelli. As long as you’re with her, you’re with us. I encourage you not to fuck it up.” Leo turns back to me. “Every day.”

“I’ll text you every day.”

“I love you,” Leo says.

“I love you, too.” I rush forward and give him one more hug. Carter, too.

“What about me?” asks Carter.

Leo rolls his eyes. “I love you too, Carter. Let’s go.”

I watch at the window while they go to Carter’s car. They both drive out of the gate together. Carter must be dropping Leo at his car.

The second they’re out of sight, I turn around and throw myself into Emerson’s arms.