“Do you believe she was taken against her will?” A question from one of the reporters.

I believe Leo wants to kill him for asking.


“Is there anything you want to say to your sister?”

Leo looks like he’s glaring at the reporter, but that’s not it. He’s in pain. This is hurting him. “That I won’t stop looking until I find her.”

My entire chest hurts. I click out of the video and erase my search history.

If this has taught me anything, it’s that being angry is easy. Understanding a person is harder. It hurts more.

I force myself to go downstairs for breakfast. There’s no point in staying upstairs in the studio.

I hope Emerson’s brothers didn’t leave him alone.

I know from how tired Will sounded that he’s not okay.

I don’t want a painting of this hollow separation, and that’s what would end up on the canvas, even if I could summon the will to hold up a brush that long.

Haley’s in the dining room. Her face lights up when she sees me. “Good morning, Daph. Are you hungry?”

“Yes,” I lie. “I’m starving.”

I sit across from her, and she pushes a folded piece of paper across the table. “Leo wanted me to give you this.”

“Did he forget how to text?”

Haley gives my joke a courtesy laugh as I open the note.

If the studio is wrong, you can paint in the den. Ruin all the furniture you want. OK?


I put it in my pocket. I can’t stay mad at him. I just can’t. Even if he threatened to kill the many I love. It’s complicated, but then nothing about my family’s every simple.

“So. What are your plans for the day?”

Haley tilts her head, questioning. “Are you okay? Your eyes are red.”

One of Leo’s staff comes in with tea. Lying has never been my thing. Haley will hedge if she’s embarrassed about something, but she’s honest, too.

“I miss Emerson.”

The corners of her mouth turn down. “Is he okay? Have you heard from him?”

“No. Which is probably for the best. Leo hasn’t made up his mind.”

She worries at her bottom lip with her teeth. “I’m sorry that it’s so complicated.”

“It is, but it doesn’t have to be—I don’t want to put you in the middle of this. If you’d rather not talk to me, that’s okay.”

“Hey.” Haley reaches over and pats my hand. “We’re friends. You’re my sister-in-law. I care about you. You can talk to me any time.”

I add sugar to my tea. Too much milk. “Let’s talk about you, then. Are you busy today?”

Haley hesitates, like she wants to ask more about Emerson but doesn’t want to push me. “Actually, I’m working in the den after this, if you want to come.”