The glass rattles. The sofa. The floor. It’s me, shaking, but it goes down to the core of the earth.
“Fuck.” Will’s shadow crosses in front of my face, and the cushion next to me dips as he drops onto it. His arms wrap around my shoulders. “Listen. We just have to wait a minute. I’ll wait with you. It’s going to be fine.”
“No.” The word feels like a razor. “Never going to be fine again.” Dying. Suffocating. All my bones hurt. I want out of this. Out of my brain. Out of my body. Out of everything.
Will squeezes harder. “It just feels like that, Emerson. It’s not real. Please don’t fucking die in my apartment. I’d have to explain it to the cops.”
My feet try their best to get to the window. To get out into a painted landscape, into sweet, black emptiness. My jackass brother refuses to let go. He tightens his grip in increments.
“I lost her.” The apartment crushes in. No more air. Only pain. I can’t get enough oxygen to be embarrassed. My foolish heart flails. Collapses.
“You’ll be fine without her,” he promises.
He’s wrong. She’s gone. I want to be gone, too.