“Jesus had very little to do with it.” Emerson’s casual about this, to my horror. “You have nothing to do with it either, and since—”

“Since what? Since you’ve got a captive living in your house? You’re sloppy about it, too. She’s just down here in the foyer, asking people for help. I could have been a delivery guy. You’re going to get yourself arrested, and then what are you going to do?”

Emerson wraps his fist around the front of Sin’s coat. “Since you’ve already barged in.” Sin rolls his eyes. “Do you want any eggs? It would be rude not to offer, even though you’re trespassing.”

“Fine.” Sin shoves at Emerson’s hand until he lets go. “But I need to talk to you.”

They both turn in my direction. Sin shrugs off his coat. And then he catches me staring, wide-eyed, open-mouthed. He’s not going to do anything. He isn’t going to help me. He’s going to go have eggs in the kitchen.

“It would be rude not to introduce us, Emerson.” Sin’s a little testy about this, but I think he might be joking. At a time like this. When I have been kidnapped.

Emerson’s gaze meets mine. He’s irritated, but there’s an element of amusement to it. As if he’s glad his brother is here but can’t show it. That irritation is gone in an instant. Oh—it’s him. The real Emerson.

“Sin, this is Daphne. I acquired her yesterday. Daphne, this is my older brother.”

“Sinclair Leblanc.” His brother strides forward to shake my hand. I shouldn’t be interested in him. Not in the slightest. But a thousand questions crowd into my mouth. He could tell me about Emerson if I could get over this shock. I probably won’t, though. Not ever. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Daphne. Sorry about the…circumstances. My brother can be a bit eccentric.”