Page 8 of Upper Hand

Yes, he did. But at the same time, maybe he didn’t. Maybe I just wanted to talk to him.

I check my phone for texts from Lydia one last time, then start scanning the sides of the road just in case.

We make the left turn.

“In point two miles, the destination is on your left.”

My pulse races. Every shadow looks like it could be Lydia. Everything that moves.

Then the headlights fall over a hedge, and my sister, sitting in front of it, her knees drawn up to her chest.

“There. There she is.” I point, though there’s no way Gabriel could miss her. Lydia’s eyes get wider the closer we get. The car hasn’t come to a full stop when I push open the door and jump out. “Lydia. It’s me. It’s us.”

She hops to her feet and runs to me.

The two of us collide near the curb. Lydia grabs at my waist, clinging. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

I push her hair back from her face so I can get a good look at her. She’s been crying. Her eyes are red, and her formerly winged eyeliner and mascara are a mess. The collar of her dress is torn.

“What happened?”

“There were some guys at the party.” Lydia’s chin quivers, just like mine does when I’m about to cry. “They wanted to—theywanted to go into one of the bedrooms, and I didn’t want to go. So I ran. They didn’t get me, Elise, don’t worry.”

“Are they still inside?” If they are, I’ll kill them myself. I lift heavy bags of flour all the time. I could do it.

Lydia shakes her head. “They left a little while after I came out here. I hid behind the hedge.”

“Okay.” I might have judged Gabriel too harshly for wanting to murder people. I swallow my rage and fear and steady myself. “Let’s go.”

“Do we need the police?” Gabriel calls.

We both look. Gabriel’s standing by his open door.

“Gabriel brought you here?” Lydia whispers. “Is he going to tell Dad?”

“No,” I promise. “Do you want us to call the cops?”

“They’re gone, and I’m not old enough to drink. Which obviously I did.” Lydia sighs, and her shoulders sag. “I just want you to take me away.”



Elise wrapsher arm around Lydia’s shoulders and walks her over to the SUV.

She’s not in great shape. From the wobble in her steps, she’s either slightly drunk or overtired or both. There’s a big, obvious tear in the collar of her dress. Her makeup is everywhere, and she looks like she might have a black eye.

She looks so, so young.

Something curls up tight behind my sternum like fingers gripping a brick wall. I’d like to do some damage to whoever tore Lydia’s dress and scared her. Sixteen-year-old me is furiously jealous that there was someone, anyone, to save her. Anyone she could tell. Anyone she could call.

I open the back door, and Elise pauses, bringing Lydia to a stop with her. “Lydia, this is my—” Elise squeezes her eyes shut for a heartbeat, then opens them. “This is Gabriel. You probably remember him from your birthday, but I don’t think Mom introduced you.”

She gives me a little wave, tucking her hand back to her side as soon as it’s finished. “Nice to a-actually meet my sister’s boyfriend.”

Ouch. “A pleasure to meet you too, Lydia. It’s warm in the car if you’re ready to go.”

Elise helps her sister in, then climbs in after her. I go around to the trunk and pop it open. The extra few seconds out of sight are enough to collect myself and gather the blanket I keep in the back.