Page 55 of Upper Hand

My skin is going to burst into flame. Gabriel toys gently with my clit, the dress obscuring that it’s him and not Jacob.

“It’s not like you,” Jacob comments.

“What isn’t?”

“To make me get her ready for you.”

The video will show that both men touched me. Both men participated in this crime. It will also show that I didn’t want this. But Jacob hasn’t moved his hand from my hip. He’s waiting for Gabriel to tell him what to do.

“Aww.” Gabriel sounds genuinely scolded. “And without any reward, either. ”

Then he reaches past me and pulls Jacob closer, his hips meeting my ass. The hem of my dress falls to the floor. I end up pinned to Jacob’s chest, his body tight behind mine. They’re bothveryhard, a fact I find impossible ignore.

Gabriel takes my chin in his hand, leans in, and kisses me.

It’s harder than before, wilder, and he pushes me against Jacob’s body like he’s a wall. Both of them are holding me captive. I feel so much more of Jacob now. It’s almost like Gabriel’s duplicated himself so that he can play both sides.

Because they don’t hold me like strangers. They hold me like people who know each other very, very well. There’s a push and pull with me in the middle. However they move, someone’s hard and pressing up against a sensitive part of me covered by the thin white dress.

This is part of the show, too. He and Jacob are giving the consortium more than they bargained for.

Maybe this is also partially a delay tactic.

Gabriel breaks the kiss and lets out a long breath, his teeth playing at his bottom lip. There’s a flash of some unnameable emotion in his eyes. “Now kisshim.”

He turns me around to face Jacob.

Gabriel’s the one pinning me now, holding me to his body with one arm across my bound wrists. The way it’s slung across me means I can tap his arm, if I need to. If I need this to stop.

His other hand is hidden at my hip. He squeezes.It’s okay.

I lean back into Gabriel, take a deep breath, and lift my chin.

Just a little.

Jacob’s watching for the signal with his striking blue eyes. When I give it, he doesn’t hesitate.

He’s skilled. Skilled like Gabriel. He’s not shy about kissing me, but I feel the apology in it. I feel the reassurance. Most of all, I feel Gabriel. Gabriel’s hands. Gabriel’s body. Gabriel’s hard cock, pushing into my back.

Jacob tastes my mouth, careful not to hurt me. Very, very careful. I have the strangest urge to make a joke about this. To lighten the mood.

It’s not going to get lighter.

Theyaredelaying, and the consortium won’t wait much longer.



Of course I’m hard.

Elise is in my arms. Her body is all along mine. The most obscene part of all of this is the sweet, buttercream scent of her skin and hair in this conference room.

I’m sick with shame. So sick that my heart is racing. My stomach is about to empty itself on the carpet.

Because I’m not just hard. I’m throbbing. My cock is desperate to fuck someone.

To fuckher.