Page 53 of Upper Hand

I can’t speak to him. I’m still gagged, goddamn it, and I need to know what he’s thinking.

For a split second, Gabriel’s eyes go completely blank. Then pain flashes through them, bright and sharp.He looks down at me, and it all happens again. The blank resignation. Pain. Green, jagged fear.

A memory taps at me.

What’s this?A scar, on his skin.

It’s where a knife went in.

And then—

“You’re anxious for this to get started, Mr. Bettencourt.” Gabriel’s voice is almost,almosta song. “I understand. I won’t make you wait any longer.”

Gabriel’s hands go to the tie at the back of my head. He frowns when he feels how tightly they’ve tied the knot. He’s good with clothes, good with zippers and ties and hooks, but it takes him several moments to get it undone. He eases the soaked cloth from my mouth and drops it to the floor.

Then his hands are at my jaw, tilting my face up so he can inspect my lips. Gabriel runs the pad of his thumb over the corners. They’re a little raw from rubbing against the gag. He makes a small noise of disapproval, and then he leans in. His breath heats the side of my neck. My jaw. Then he’s hovering an inch away from my mouth.

The smallest, quietest voice saysnot here.But the much louder one that beats along with my heart saysanywhere.It saysanything.Anything to keep him alive.

It’s not part of any fairy tale I’ve ever read. Maybe somewhere there’s a story of a princess who would cross any line to keep her prince from certain death.

Even when she’s sworn that he’ll never be her prince. That she’ll never give him her heart.

“Tell me to stop.”

His words are so soft that I don’t think they reach Jacob, who stands at his side.

But the meaning is crystal clear. It’s the same question he asked when he put his hand out and paused.Is this okay?

My heart cracks. He means it. Sincerity is a sheen in his dark eyes. Gabriel’s playing the part my father is ordering him to play, but in this moment, he’s dropped the act. This isn’t the charming playboy. This is the Gabriel Hill who would die for me.

If I shook my head, he’d take his hands off me, and that guard would come forward. Gabriel might fight, or he might not. The guard would shoot him. It would only be a question of location.

That’s not the only reason I won’t stop him. My father is awful for putting us in this position. I’ve never known a more vile person in my life.


If this is all the time I have left with Gabriel, I’m taking it. Nobody is going to take it from me. Nobody can stop me from enjoying it.

“Kiss me.” The words are more shape than sound, but I feel them go through Gabriel’s body.

Then his mouth is on mine.

It isnota tame kiss. It’s not hesitant or shy or reluctant. It’s pure sex. Delighted surprise shudders through me. Gabriel licks into my mouth. One of his hands goes to my bound wrists and holds them in place, as if he’s the one who tied them. As ifhe’sthe one in charge of all of this.

The hairs on the back of my neck rise. Gabriel explores my mouth, kissing deeper. His other hand goes to the back of my neck like he felt that prickling response. His palm soothes that spot.

Then he moves his mouth to the side of my neck. His tongue teases at my pulse point. I bite back a sound. He kisses the flesh there in a hot, needy way.

Like there’s nobody else in the room.

If I bend my head, just likethis, I can brush my lips over that spot beneath his ear.

Gabriel tenses, and that tension is released in a shiver. I’m not the only one being yanked around by all these feelings. By this awful, fucked-up game that so far feels very, very good.

I lift my wrists and put my hands on his jacket. Gabriel keeps his hand over the bindings, allowing me to touch his clothes.

Another splinter in my heart. I think of Gabriel brushing off another man’s hands at the Hamilton auction, cool and collected. I probably shouldn’t think of this as a gift. I wasn’t brought here to get closer to him. But I know what it means for him to let someone handle his clothes. And he’s not pushing me away.