Page 62 of Upper Hand

Her father’s not going to like what happens next. In fact, he’ll fuckinghateit, because it’s going to be the world’s finest display of malicious compliance.

My cock throbs again. All those years of holding myself apart, and I can’t wait to be inside her.

But I force myself to step back. I take Jacob’s arm and pull him into position between Elise’s legs. He looks to me first. Reaches for me again to pat the front of my shirt and adjust my collar. There’s a faint worry line in his forehead. It would be nice if I could reassure him that I won’t get trapped in another memory, but who the hell knows? I might.

The way to do this is moment by moment.

“You go first, Jacob.”

He curls a hand over my shoulder and leans in close. “Are you sure about this?”

His tone is confidential, but it’s still loud enough for the men sitting at the other end of the table to hear. I look down at Elise. At her naked thighs, framed by the hem of her dress. At the pink flesh between them. At her dark eyes, filled with heat. Then I look at the members of the consortium. Newhouse first. He returns my stare with a guarded look. Then Chambers, whose cheeks darken another shade.

Then Bettencourt, whose gaze is nothing like Elise’s. He hates me so much that his eyes have gone black with it.

“No.” I want these words to reach him, too. “Because I don’t share what’s mine. You can’t fuck her. But in the interest of our initiation, here’s what you can do. You can make her come with your mouth.”

Jacob squeezes my shoulder, his eyes bright. Pride, I think. A little astonishment. That’s fair. I almost lost my goddamn mind in front of all these people. “I’ll be careful with her, then.”

“You’d fucking better.” I pull out the chair I brought to the head of the table, and Jacob sits in it. Elise’s legs slide closed. She spread them for me when I took off her panties, but now they’re together again. There’s no fear in her face, though. A sparkle in her eyes says she’s going along with me.


I amble over to Jacob’s side and stroke down the length of her thigh, letting my hand rest just above her knee. Bettencourt’s hatred is a chill in the air.

I’ve thrown down a gauntlet.

He’s expressly forbidden me from being with Elise. From claiming her as mine.

I’ve just done it anyway in front of the other members of his little cult. A little surprise twist in the evening, just for Bettencourt. Throwing a tantrum about it now would make him look weak, and he knows it. He’d be tacitly admitting to Newhouse and Chambers that losing the slightest bit of control is unbearable to him.

So he doesn’t say a damn thing.

“Spread your thighs for me, sweetness.” I say it to her like I’d say it in her bedroom. Tumbled in her sheets. Warm and safe and free. The cold anger rolling off Bettencourt plunges another few degrees toward freezing, but there’s heat in the room, too. Interest. I’d bet anything that Newhouse and Chambers didn’t like the idea of forcing her, but neither one of them was about to stand up to Bettencourt.

Elise parts her lips, and fuck me, I want to kiss her. I want to crawl over her on the table and forget everyone else. Fuck her because I want to, not because of this hellish initiation.


Her thighs move apart, inch by inch. Forme. Not for her father. Not for these other sick fucks. For me. The fact that Jacob is the one shifting forward in his seat between those thighs feels almost incidental.

For most of me. I’m running the show. I don’t want anyone else to touch Elise. To taste her. If this were any other circumstance, I’d take him to the ground before I let him this close.

But this is the entire point of malicious compliance. We’re going to play by the technical rules of Bettencourt’s game. The spirit of the rules, however? I’m going to chew them up and spit them out.

Tonight, in this room, that’s how I’ll fight back. By controlling this little scene. By taking the power right out of their pockets like a thief in the night.

With every moment that Bettencourt stays silent, my power grows.

“He’s going to make you come with his mouth.” I smooth back a lock of Elise’s hair from her face and lean in, giving her a conspiratorial grin. “He’sverygood at it. Jacob’s had lots of practice. I won’t mind at all if you enjoy yourself.”

Jacob murmurs his agreement.

“Pretend it’s me.” I brush a kiss to her cheek and stand tall, settling in at her side. I lean against the table and spread her legs a little wider for Jacob.

His hands go to where her thighs meet her ass. “Excuse me.” He says it before he repositions her, and for the first time, Elise’s eyes go to him instead of me.

“That’s all right.” Elise blushes harder. He’s not touching her like he would if she was his. I know. I’ve belonged to Jacob Chambers before. He isn’t nearly so tentative when you’re his very own.