“This isn’t working for me. I don’t want to just be the whore he keeps for good times.”

“Yeah, of course not. But I don’t know if it’s really like that. Why don’t you just talk to him and ask him WTF?”

I make an impatient noise in my throat. “I don’t even want to talk to him again. Listen, I’d better go, I have another client coming. Thanks for listening.”

“You’re welcome. Hey, Lexi?”


“Don’t feel like you can’t leave him because you don’t have a place to go. You’re still welcome on my couch.”

“Thanks,” I say heavily. “I appreciate it.”

Sleeping on Gina’s couch is better than hanging around and being Bobby’s plaything.

* * *


I was in the middle of another conversation with the damn IRS auditor when Lexi called.

I didn’t mean to be astronzo, but I know I offended her. I don’t know why she called here, though.

We have boundaries in place. She’s not supposed to call me.

Still, I have an uneasy feeling about it all afternoon. I text her back that I’m tied up, but she doesn’t reply.

When the IRS auditor finally leaves, I try calling, but she doesn’t pick up, so I drive over to the apartment. She was supposed to hear about the job today. Fuck, I hope it wasn’t bad news. Maybe that’s why she called me at work.

The moment I walk in the apartment, I know something’s seriously wrong. The place is spotless. Lexi’s normally neat, but it smells like it’s been freshly cleaned, and today wasn’t a cleaning day.

I find her in the bathroom, scrubbing the tub. She glances up when I walk in and greet her, but she says nothing.

Alarm bells clang in my head.

“Lex? What’s going on?”

She just shakes her head and continues to clean. Okay, so she’s one of those people who cleans when she’s upset. Got it.

I walk up behind her. “What is it, baby? Did you hear about the job?”

“I got it,” she says flatly. She stands and pulls off her rubber gloves, passing me without looking my way.

“That’s great.” I pause when she continues to avoid eye contact, washing her hands in the sink. “What’s going on? Talk to me,bambina.” I reach for her.


I freeze, yanking my hand back like I’m burnt. For all my aggressive play, I would never handle a woman who doesn’t want me, especially not Lexi, whom I genuinely care about.

“What is it?”

She finally turns and looks at me for the first time. “Your daughters came by to tell me about the wedding.” Accusation rings in her tone. I take in her expression. There’s anger mixed with resolve.


“You’re upset.”

“No, Bobby. I’m not upset. I’m just done. This doesn’t work for me.”