“Well,” Gina muses. “You’d probably have to do something really terrible for that to happen. Like wear a wire or steal enormous sums of money from him. And you’d never do something like that.”

“Right.” I glance across the bar to where Stacy sits. “Oh shit, she sees me.”

“I’m staying right here with you,” Gina says.

Stacy slides off her bar stool and makes her way over. “Hi.” She flips her hair back over her shoulder.

I assess her coolly. “I did not appreciate your little stunt this week. I have nothing to say to you.”

“Where’s your loverboy? Out looking for fresh meat?”

Gina straightens. “Bobby told you not to come here again.” She motions to Leo, who walks over, looking aggressive.

Stacy’s eyes narrow. “I gave you a chance. We could’ve shared him.”

“Not happening,” I tell her.

When Leo arrives, Gina says, “Leo, she’s eighty-sixed.”

“Let’s go,” Leo barks.

“Well, I’m not worried,” Stacy says to me, ignoring Leo. “He’ll get tired of you soon.” She tosses her hair again and flounces out of the bar, with Leo walking behind to make sure she really leaves.

“Um…” Gina says. “I hope she’s not as psycho as she seems. Maybe heshouldhave told her she was going to swim with the fishes.”

I force a laugh.

Damn Bobby for choosing such a loser, anyway. And how many more women like her did he have in his past?



For the first time in, well,ever, I wish I brought a date to a family event.

We’re at my cousin Mario’s wedding Friday evening, but being here with the twins feels wrong. I don’t mean that it was wrong to bring them, but it feels like something’s missing.

Lexi’s missing.

But I couldn’t bring her here. You can’t enmesh outsiders with the Family. It was sticky enough to get divorced. I got grilled a hundred times by Al about how much my ex knew and what kind of liability she’d be. No one wanted me to cut her loose. Divorce is uncommon inLa Cosa Nostra. The only way out of The Family is in a box, as they say.

But as I sit and watch the young people dancing on the ballroom floor, I wish I was out there, holding Lexi’s perfect curves up against my body. I’m sure she’s a great dancer. And shewouldfit in here. She’s the type who can make conversation with anyone. The family would love her, except for those who say I’m robbing the cradle.

The music changes to a slow song, and I watch Carlo glance at the don before he makes his way to Summer’s side. Dangerous territory for him. He should stop pining for the don's daughter before he gets himself in more trouble than he can handle.

Summer lights up when he takes her hand, though, and I have to admit, the two make a beautiful couple.

Janine and Juliana spin off the dance floor and plop down at our table.

“Summer gets all the hot guys,” Janine mutters to her sister.

“Seriously. I want Carlo. He has the sexiest accent.”

My brain implodes at everything that's wrong about what I just overheard.

“Dad's stroking out right now.” Janine laughs.

“Maybe now is the right time to mention I have a date tomorrow,” Juliana says brightly. “With a guy from school.”