I hold the phone away from my face and silently fist-pump in the air. When I come back, I attempt to sound calm and collected. “That’s great. Yes, I can rearrange my schedule for that time.”
“Great, I’ll email you the interview confirmation with the details. We’ll see you next week.”
I hang up and catch Ondrea craning her head from the reception desk to meet my gaze. She’s the only one at Stylz who knows about this job, and until I land it, that’s the way it’s going to stay. I told her in confidence that I’d made it to the interview round and was waiting for the call. I give her the thumbs up, and she mimes a silent scream of joy back.
Smiling, I turn back to my station.
Bobby texted earlier to say he was tied up tonight, so after work, I head to Swank to celebrate with Gina.
When I push open the door, I find myself praying Stacy won’t be there.
He’ll get tired of you. Just like he got tired of me.
I can’t get her words out of my mind. Bobby was sweet that night, treating me to a fancy dinner and doting on me–and I assured him I wasn’t upset. I know he assumed I was horrified that he’d choked her. And I was–a little.
But I was also a tiny bit gratified. His instinct had been to protect me. From her.
That has to mean I’m more than his usual floozie, right?
I really, really want to believe that’s true. I want to be more to him. I want to be…everything.
But the reality is that I could be another Stacy tomorrow.
Aw, fuck. I spot the blonde sitting at the bar when I walk in. She clearly didn’t follow his order not to come here. I hesitate in the doorway. Maybe I should just go home. I can always call Gina.
No, screw that. I straighten my shoulders. I’ve been coming to this club for years, and I’m not going to be scared off by some psycho ex-girlfriend. I march over to the end of the bar and wait for Gina to see me. The Friday happy hour crowd packs the place, the young professionals looking smart in their suits. I catch sight of a tall, broad-shouldered man, and my heart stops for a moment, thinking it’s Bobby. But that’s stupid. He has me at his beck and call. Why would he be out trolling for someone else?
“Hey, girl!” Gina slaps a cocktail napkin down in front of me. “What are you drinking?”
“Lemon Drop, please.”
“Have you heard anything about the job?”
I hold both arms up in the air and roll my hips in a victory dance. “Guess who made the next round, uh huh, that’s right.”
“Yeah, you did! I knew it. That’s so great.” Gina fills a martini glass with ice to chill while she fills her stainless steel mixing container with Smirnoff vodka, Cointreau, lemon juice, syrup and ice. She gives it a good shake before pouring the liquid through the strainer into the chilled glass.
“Now I give a sample class and teach a group of stylists how to do a hairstyle.”
“So did Bobby’s ex-girlfriend say anything to you? About me? Or Bobby?”
“No, why?” Gina leans her forearms on the bar with interest.
I fill her in on the drama that went down at the apartment.
“Holy shit,” Gina said. “Well, if she gives you any trouble, let me know, and I’ll have Leo throw her out.”
“Thanks. Bobby did tell her not to come here again. You know, I have to say, part of me wanted him to go totally mafia on her ass.” I laugh. “You know, like tell her if she showed up again, she would be swimming with the fishes.”
Gina laughs. “I don’t blame you.”
“But I guess the fact that he was appropriately disturbed by his own violence is a good sign. You know, in case I’m ever the one he’s mad at.”
Gina snorts. “In case you turn into stalker girl?”
“No. But I’ve been a little wary. Because of the mafia thing. He’s always been a gentleman, but I guess I had this worry in the back of my mind that I’d better not seriously piss him off, or I’d be in actual, mortal danger.”