“Yeah, thanks. That’s kind of what I arrived at, too. It’s good for now. Just not a permanent thing. Okay, I gotta go. I should call Bobby.”

“All right, take care, babe.”

“You too. Bye!”

I end the call with Gina and dial Bobby’s number, my pulse picking up speed, the way it always does when I interact with him.

“Hey, doll.”

Wings in my chest flap at the sound of his deep rumble. “Hey! Thank you so much for setting up the therapy appointment for me. I feel completely transformed. What a difference!”

“That’s great. Glad to hear it.”

“And I just found out I got the job interview—you know, for that trainer position?”

“Of course I remember—the reason you took portfolio pictures. Congratulations. When is it?”

“Tuesday afternoon.”

“Fantastic. I’ll take you shopping for clothes, unless you already know what you want to wear.”

Um, wow. This guy. He really does love to play sugar daddy. And I am not complaining. “No—uh—I’d love to go shopping with you. Thanks!”

“Listen,bambi, I wish I could take you out tonight to celebrate, but I’m up to my ears in shit right now. I will try to get over later, if I can.”

“Sure...no problem.” I’m irrationally disappointed. I didn’t expect him to take me out to celebrate, but now that he expressed the desire, I totally want it. Miss it. Need it.

“Okay, I’ll text you if I can make it. Bye, doll.”

I end the call quickly because the disappointment hits me like a steamroller, flattening my mood. I draw a deep breath and exhale.

Gah. I’m getting way too needy with this guy. Our agreement was very specific–he’s not my boyfriend. I don’t get to make demands or expect boyfriend-like things from him.

He’s the boss. I’m essentially his employee.

But I can’t seem to separate emotion from sex. I’m definitely falling for Bobby. Or I want to. And I can already see the heartbreak looming when this ends.

* * *


After work, I take myself to L’amore, the restaurant where Bobby told the staff I could dine on his dime. I figure Bobby wanted to take me out, so I’m letting him.

I’ve never dined alone before, especially not at an upscale place with “love” in the name, but I hold my head high and muscle through it. The maitre d’ and the waiter remember me without my reminder, which goes a long way to making me feel comfortable.

I order a glass of wine and a Caesar salad with chicken and add two new photos to my Instagram page–Lexi Styles Hair. I try to post a few photos of new haircuts or highlights every week. My Instagram account is actually how I found out about the Stellar position. Someone at Stellar had seen my latest reel and sent me a message inviting me to apply.

It sort of felt meant-to-be, but I’m trying not to get my hopes up.

The wine is delicious, and the salad fills me up. I’m lonely, but trying to feel okay with being alone. This is what it means to belong to Bobby. I’m at his beck and call, but he’s not available to me.

It makes me even more glad I “let” him treat me here tonight.

If eating here is one of my perks, I need to be cashing in on it since I don’t get the full package.

I shove the pity-party thoughts from my mind and focus on enjoying dinner.

It was still a great day, regardless of the availability of my...what is he to me? Boyfriend? Owner? I prefer owner to boyfriend, actually.