“Definitely. We’re solid. More than solid. You’re perfect for me.”

Her sapphire eyes study my face.

I’m still trying to figure out why she reached out. Is she getting clingy? If so, I need to shut that down. I’m not doing a relationship here.

The irony of the fact that I just basically bonded her to me emotionally by demanding her submission and rewarding her for it isn’t lost on me. I’m astronzo, for sure.

But maybe she reached out for another reason. Maybe she needed something from me. My protective instincts surge into high gear at that thought.

“Do you need something from me, baby?” I stroke her smooth, soft skin. “Is that why you called me? Do you need money?”

Her eyes fill with tears, which she blinks back. “God,” she chokes. “How do you that?”

So I guessed correctly. I shrug. “In my business, you have to have a good read on people.”

“I do need money,” she whispers, gulping. “That’s not why I called, though. I wasn’t even going to ask you for it…at least, I hadn’t decided whether I should or not.”

I wish to fuck I’d asked sooner if she had other troubles. I’d assumed I’d taken care of her immediate problems with the landlord and getting her things back, but clearly she has other stressors.

“No, no, baby,” I reassure her. “You belong to me. That means I take care of you. You can call me when you need help. Just not at home.”

Lexi starts to tremble in my arms, holding back tears.

“Don’t cry,bambi. How much do you need? What’s going on?”

She ducks her chin, pressing her forehead against my chest as the tears emerge. “I owe rent at the salon. I’m not an employee there, I just rent the chair. I’m way behind on rent, and the owner told me if I don’t pay by the end of the month, I’m out. I guess this isn’t my week.”

“Aw, sweetheart. I wish I’d known.” I caress her back, the natural curve sensuous under my palm. “How much?”

“Twenty-five hundred.”

Chump change. I should’ve left that much for her the last time I saw her. I kiss the place her ear meets her face, then her temple. “I’ll take care of it,” I murmur.

* * *


Tears of relief squeeze out of the corners of my eyes. “Thank you.”

Bobby runs his hand up and down my back. “It’s my pleasure. You’re my girl. I’ll take care of your problem. Besides, I like having you owe me.”

I narrow my eyes with mock suspicion. “What exactly will I owe you?”

Bobby grins. “What do you have to offer?”

I laugh. “Not much. A lifetime’s worth of free haircuts?”


“How about anal?”

He laughs, cupping my ass and squeezing it. He draws his finger up my crack, making me squirm as he nears my back hole. “This hot little body already belongs to me. Doesn’t it, sweetheart?”

I rub my clit over his thick muscular thigh, his words making me ache. “Yes.”

“I might collect on a haircut or two.”

I snuggle against him. Am I crazy for feeling so warm toward a man who just took his belt to my ass? Possibly.