The grim look on Bobby’s face when he came in has already softened. He takes in my tears and sighs. “Come here, doll.” He holds his arms out.

Holy yes. I suck in a breath and close the distance between us. He folds me into his arms in an embrace. I melt into him, allowing his strength to envelope me.

“I’m sorry,” I say into his suit jacket.

“It’ll be okay.” He kisses the top of my head. He holds me for a moment, then says, “Look at me, baby.” When I lift my face, he lowers his head to catch and hold my gaze. “We have rules. The rules are for your safety and mine.”

I nod.

“What were you thinking calling my house?”

I swallow, not sure how to answer.

His eyes narrow. “And where did you get my home number, anyway?”

I start to look away, and he catches my chin, gently holding my face in place, my gaze trapped in his. He raises his brows, waiting.

The knot in my belly tightens.


“I saw your ex-girlfriend at Swank. Stacy? She asked me for your new number.”

“Cristo.” His jaw clenches. “I see. Did you give it to her?”

“Well, no! I didn’t have it. Well, at least I didn’t realize I had it. I’m sorry, I never saw your text.”

He cocks his head. “So you would have given it to her if you had it?”

Crap. I flush. Somehow I have a feeling he would know if I lied. Instead, I lift my chin. “I wouldn’t have needed to because...” I trail off, realizing my argument lacks logic.


I blink back the water brimming in my eyes. “She told me you switched cell numbers a lot, and I should just call your house. She gave me the number. Then I felt like I had to reciprocate and show her the number I had.”

“I see.”

“I’m sorry, Bobby. I really fucked up.”

His expression softens. “Yes, you did fuck up.” He doesn’t sound angry anymore, not the way he did on the phone. “Listen, baby, I’m in a dangerous business. I’m keeping you out of it. Stacy is going to get herself hurt if she keeps fucking with my business. And not by me. My organization…doesn’t take kindly to fuckery. That’s why I keep you completely shielded.”

I work to swallow. “I’m really sorry.”

He tugs me closer and kisses my forehead. “That was a very sweet apology.” His voice softens to a deep rumble. “You’re cute when you’re sorry.” I realize his gaze is heated now, his eyes hooded. “I’m going to enjoy punishing you.”

My pussy clenches at the same time my belly flips.

I can’t decide if I’m more scared or excited. Whether this is just kink or something to really fear. Maybe a mixture of the two.

I take a step backward. He follows, his movements predatory. He’s turned on by whatever it is he’s about to do, and that revs my engine, too. He can tie me up. Torture me. Whip me with his belt. So long as he enjoys it, I think I’m good. It’s weird, but I’d rather have his punishment any day than his rejection. It’s been a short time, but I’ve already entrained myself to want to please him.

“AmIgoing to enjoy it?” My voice warbles a little as I ask.

He chuckles. “That depends. Do you like a little pain with your pleasure?” He unbuttons the cuff on his sleeve and starts rolling it up.

“I-I dont know.”

He tips his head toward the bedroom. “Let’s find out. Go in the bedroom and take off your clothes.”