“Oh. Well how are you supposed to get a hold of him then?” Maybe that’s why he hasn’t returned my texts.

“Oh, you don’t have his new number, either?” Stacy flashes that nasty smile again.


She opens her phone. “I could give you his home number.”

I narrow my eyes. “Why don’t you just call his home number, then?”

“Well, I have, but he hasn’t picked up.”

I don’t trust Stacy even the slightest bit, but her story about the phones might be true. I take out my own phone and scroll through the contacts to Bobby’s name. “Yeah, I will take that home number, if you don’t mind,” I say.

“No problem.” Stacy hands me her phone.

I take it and copy the numbers into my contacts, trying to figure out if I dare call him there. He said he wasn’t my boyfriend. Calling his home line probably comes off as needy.

A cold sensation slithers through me. What if, despite everything he said, heismarried? I mean, why else would he keep his girlfriend at a separate apartment where he never sleeps?

I’m tempted to call the number just to see if a woman answers.

“May I see the number you have for him?” Stacy asks when I finish.

Well, crap. I totally set myself up for that, didn’t I. Somehow, I feel certain Bobby won’t like me handing out his number. I mean, what did he tell me? Not to talk about him to anyone.


“Uh…sure.” I am so bad at saying no. It’s really a skill I need to develop.

I show her the number, and the other woman shakes her head. “No, that’s the same one I have. It’s no good. Thanks, anyway.”

Thank God. I really didn’t want to piss Bobby off.

Stacy slips off the barstool and takes her second drink with her.

Gina leans her forearms on the bar. “That was weird.”

“I know. I kept waiting for her head to spin around and fire to come out of her mouth or something. You don’t really think she was being helpful, do you?”

Gina shakes her head. “No. She wants him back and is trying to keep her enemies close. I’d watch out for that one if I were you.”

“I will.”

I take the bus home and sit on the sofa considering. Why hasn’t Bobby called? Is this a normal time span between dates for him? I almost wish I asked Stacy. But that would mean revealing that I’m being blown off.

If he does have a new phone, why hasn’t he given me the new number? Could he have lost my number?

I consider calling his house. If a woman answers, I know he’s a lying piece of shit. If he answers, I can just let him know I miss him.

I pick up the phone and dial, my heart rate increasing as I wait for someone to pick up.

* * *


After an eleven-hour day at the office followed by a meeting with the don about the possible FBI raid, I finally make it home. The house phone rings, and I pick up.
