“Like what? What’s so hot? What’s he do?”

My face heats remembering how he bent me over the sofa and spanked me. Screwed me hard against a wall. Fingerfucked me on the kitchen counter. “He’s rough. Totally demanding. But in tune. Does that make sense?”

Her brow furrows. “Like what?”

“I mean, he knows when I start getting nervous and slows down, but if I’m on board, he’s the type to throw you up against the wall and fuck your brains out.”

Gina raised her eyebrows. “Did he do that?”

I do the slow, awed, satisfied nod.


“Yeah. Wow. Total wow.”

“So, what’s the scoop? How often do you see him? When do you see him next?”

Butterflies stir in my belly. I haven’t heard from him in four days, even though I texted a couple times. I hope my eviction drama didn’t turn him off. I definitely need to see him because Arissa, the owner at the salon told me I have to pay in full by the end of the month, or she’ll find a new renter for my chair. I will give her everything I make, but it isn’t enough. I hoped to see Bobby a couple times to supplement the income enough to at least pay one month’s rent and get Arissa off my back.

Before I can answer a skinny blonde waltzes up and takes the barstool next to me. Gina shoots me a meaningful look, which I don’t know how to interpret.

“What can I get you?” Gina slides a cocktail napkin in front of the blonde.

“Cosmo. Were you talking about Bobby?”

I whip my head around to look at the woman.

She shrugs. “I saw you leaving here with him last weekend. Is that who you’re talking about?”

Gina clamps her mouth shut and gets busy making the drink.

Aw, fuck. This must be the ex-girlfriend. Or ex-sugar baby. Or whatever. Well, hell.

I’m not jealous since she’s the ex, but I still don’t like her.

Although… I guess I could use some more information about the guy. Like knowing what this chick did wrong to lose him. That might be helpful. Because I really need this situation to last long enough for me to get back on my feet. I’ll need enough money for a deposit on my own place, and hopefully a small cushion of savings.

“Yeah. Did you used to date him?”

The blonde nods. “I still do, sometimes,” she says, and my eyes narrow. “I’m Stacy. Did he mention me?”

Gina shakes her head when the blonde isn’t looking, rolling her eyes.

“Um, no.”

“How about you? Have you seen him since that night?”

“Yes. I moved into his apartment.” I’m not usually alpha female, but I guess I’m feeling a little territorial right now. She’s obviously still interested in Bobby, and it pisses me off.

The blonde’s lips tighten. Gina sets the drink in front of her, and Stacy drains the glass. “I’ll have another, please.” Turning to me, she produces a saccharine smile. “I lived in that apartment for two months,” she boasts. “But, things just didn’t work out between us. He’s too controlling. He gets off on being the one in charge, you know?”

Obviously. That’s his kink, bimbo. I make a non-committal sound.

“Listen, do you have his new number? Because I tried to call him this week, but it sounds like he swapped phones out again. He does that a lot, you know.”

I don’t want to bite. I really don’t. But I haven’t heard from the guy either. “What do you mean?”

Stacy shrugs. “Something about keeping lines secure. I have no idea. But every so often, he dumps his number and starts over with a new phone.”