Page 65 of Gin & Trouble

“I miss you, too.”

“To answer your question… I’ve been thinking about what happened to Iris and what could have happened to you if you’d gone home.”

“Me, too.” I’d rehearsed what I wanted to say to him a million times since he’d left but couldn’t get the words out.

“I get it. You weren’t trying to hurt my family. You were trying to help your sisters.” The lift in his voice made the statement sound like a question.

“I was and I’m sorry…for everything.”

“I can’t make you any promises about the future, but I can’t stop thinking about you.” He went quiet, and I panicked thinking he was about to hang up.

“What sorts of things are you thinking?” I was playing with explosives, but I wasn’t ready to let him go.

“Kissing you.”

“What else?”

His voice deepened. “You in that metal bikini. Model it for me one day?”

“Only if you model your Leia outfit for me.” I held my breath waiting for his next words.

Way to go, Frankie. Bringing upthatnightmare of a day.

“Where are you?”

My heartbeat so fast, I thought I’d faint. “In your Batcave.”

“Are you wearing my shirt?”

“Come home and find out.” I slapped my hand over my mouth to keep from saying more.

Oh crap. What did I just do? He’ll never go for it.

I knew our friendship was risky and anything more would end in heartache. I knew I should put an end to our flirting, but deep in my soul, I wanted him. Even if it was a temporary fling, I wanted whatever he had to offer.

“Will Iris be upset if she wakes up and you’re not there?”

“Not if I leave a note, but I’m confused. Where are you?” Between my racing pulse and the thought of touching him again, I felt like I’d spontaneously combust.

“The penthouse apartment.” He mumbled as if embarrassed or afraid of how I’d respond. “I wanted to stay close…in case something happened or you needed me.”

I lowered my voice to a purr. “Idoneed you.”

Dante made a sound somewhere between a groan and a growl. “Do you now?”

“I need us together with nothing in the way. No computer or walls or clothes.”

“Give me five to let security know and get your sweet ass up here.”

What am I doing? This is a bad idea. A very, very bad idea.

“Can’t wait.” I hung up before I could talk myself out of it.

Seven minutes later, I’d written Iris a note, brushed my hair and my teeth, and slid into a pair of jeans but didn’t bother to change out of Dante’s T-shirt. What I hadn’t done was decide what—if anything—to tell him about the situation with Enzo. I’d lied to him enough, and I hated to do it again—even by omission. But I had no idea what the results would show. How could I ever tell Dante about stealing Enzo’s blood, about his mother and my father having an affair almost thirty years ago? Could I really implode an entire family based on Sophia’s suspicions?

Dante opened the door and all rational thought left my head.

He wrapped his arms around my waist, and lifted me off the ground. “That was quick.”