My coworker poked his head into my cube. “Incoming.”
I rose just enough to peek over the partition.
Leo Marchionni made eye contact, nodded, and strode in my direction.
I plopped down so fast I missed the chair and landed on the floor.
I’d worked there for a year and Leo had never once come to my cubicle. Come to think of it, none of the Marchionnis had given me a second look. I had no idea why he was there, and I wasn’t sure I wanted to find out.
A pair of expensive Italian leather shoes came into my line of vision, and I forced myself to look up.
Frowning, Leo cocked his head. “Everything okay?”
“Uh. Yeah. I um…lost a contact. It just popped out of my eye.”
What am I saying?
I patted the ground several times before adjusting my glasses and returning to my chair.
“You wear both?” He motioned to the thick black frames that I considered part of my Julia Carpenter disguise.
I replied with the first thing that came into my ridiculous brain. “One is for distance and the other is for up close.”
What the heck does he want? Is this about Dante?
He blinked several times before clearing his throat and turning his attention to my collection ofStar Warsfigurines. He seemed particularly interested in Princess Leia in the iconic gold bikini. Big surprise, considering his little brother was quasi-famous for wearing one just like it.
Blood rushed behind my ears and the room tilted.
The video of Dante at the convention showed my face.
I’d never figured out why Tommaso would risk coming to New Orleans and leave before he took a shot at Marco, or any of the Marchionnis. But if he’d seen me with Dante…
Leo stared, likely wondering why I was one stroke from hyperventilating. “I need you to do some digging on someone. I want to know everything about him, including his whereabouts last night.”
If Tommaso was here for us, why did he leave empty handed?
I needed to talk to Sophia, but first I had to get rid of Leo.
“Sorry.” I shook my head to clear my thoughts. “I need a name. Date of birth or an approximate age would be helpful.”
“Harrison Meriwether, late thirties, maybe.”
“TheHarrison Meriwether? As in the state senator?” I glanced over my shoulder. Why would he want to know the location of a prominent politician? Especially one who was close to the governor—who just happened to be running for president. Could this have something to do with Tommaso or was it about his girlfriend’s stalker?
My brain feels like it’s on a tilt-o-whirl.
Leo narrowed his eyes. He obviously didn’t care for my reaction.
I needed to say something and fast. “He’s unbelievably attractive. Like the perfect specimen of maleness. I mean, he’s not Marchionni hot, but…yeah.”
He made a disgruntled sound and clasped his hands behind his back. “See what you can dig up on the perfect specimen. I’ll pay you overtime.”
I needed more to go on. Some clue as to why he was so interested. “Is he…in some sort of trouble?”