“Let her go, Tommaso.” Marco called from somewhere to my left.
Another gun was fired and the sound of yet another body hitting the floor stopped my heart.
“No! Jacopo,” Iris wailed.
All I could think about was the traitor getting her hands on a weapon. The first person she’d come for was Frankie, and then me. I couldn’t take another second. Pushing with all my strength, I managed to get the guy off me and come to my hands and knees.
“She is mine. Not even theFratellanzacan say otherwise.” Tommaso must have done something to Frankie, because she cried out.
I came to my feet and my brain stuttered.
Frankie in the hall. His arm around her neck. The gun jammed against her temple.
My brain stuttered.
The fear in her eyes tightened my throat and my fists. Some part of me knew I should be afraid, but my anger hadn’t gotten the memo. Tommaso had taken my pride and my brother, but I’d be damned if I let him take my future.
Our future.
She met my gaze, glanced behind me, and widened her eyes.
I turned to find Enzo standing beside Marco.
Shit. He might as well paint bullseye on his forehead.
It was difficult to tell which of the injured and dead men worked for my brother and which worked for the Abruzzos, but a quick glance told me all but one of Marco’s team had fallen, and all but two of Tommaso’s.
It was a freaking massacre.
At some point during the altercation, Sophia had entered the hallway behind Tommaso. At least I thought it was Sophia, her face was an absolute mess of bruises and swelling. The woman moved like a professional cat burglar. Scanning the scene, she locked gazes with me, nodded once, and turned her attention to Tommaso and Frankie.
Giancarlo pushed past Marco, making himself a larger target than either of my brothers. “Tell your men to stand down and allow the injured to be taken to the medical facility.”
He didn’t bother to look at the men who’d taken bullets for him. “They knew the risks when they took the job.”
“Please, Tommaso. Please help them,” Iris pleaded.
He ignored her.
Giancarlo’s voice rose. “Do it before we negotiate for the girl.”
“What do you have that I could want, Lazio? Your family is broke.” Tommaso laughed.
I couldn’t decide if he was a little man playing a big game or if he was insane. Either way, I had to do something before he hurt Frankie. “Mine isn’t. Name your price.”
Tommaso glared. “Ah, yes, I was wondering if young Romeo had the balls to stand up for his Juliet.”
I moved from behind the guards. “What do you want? Name it.”
“You have no power here.” He tapped the gun against Frankie’s head.
She stared at me with tears streaming down her face.
He was right. I’d never felt so damned helpless, but I had to do something. I wouldn’t allow him to take her off the estate, and I wouldn’t survive watching her die in front of my eyes.
“Neither do you,” Enzo, the idiot, called out. “I’m the eldest Abruzzo male. The seat is mine as of five minutes ago.”
Tommaso’s hand tightened on his gun, moved a half inch toward Enzo, and then back to Frankie.