“I’m close.” He tugged me tighter to his side.
I didn’t stop until we’d made quite the mess.
A slow smile spread across his face. “I’ll never complain about a hand job again.”
“Feel better?” I slipped from the bed and grabbed a damp cloth from the wash basin.
“Mmm hmmm.” After cleaning up, Dante flipped me to my back and slid his hand between my legs. “Your turn.”
Laughing, I clamped my thighs together. “It’ll take too long.”
“Oh, ye of little faith.” Dante pinned me to the bed.
“I have total faith in your ability to make me come, but…” I lost my train of thought when he buried his face between my breasts and worked my clit like a scroll wheel on a mouse.
Someone knocked, and a split second later the door opened.
Maria gasped, nearly running headlong into Leo in her retreat.
I yelped and hid my face under the quilt, or tried to. Most of the fabric had ended up beneath us.
“Feeling better, little brother?” Leo motioned to the hall. “Shall I come back later?”
“Give us a sec.” Dante spoke against my breast. “Please.”
“I brought warm clothing and shoes.” Laughing, Leo dropped a backpack near the door and left the room.
Shoving him off of me, I said, “I told you someone would come in. Oh my God, how am I supposed to walk out of here?”
Dante bit his lip as if to hold back laughter. He seemed entirely too pleased for a man who’d gotten caught with his fingers in the cookie jar.
I crawled out of bed and pulled a pair of women’s sweats from the bag. “Don’t look at me like that. It’s not funny.”
He put on a pair of jeans, turned, and grabbed me around the waist. “You’re cute when you’re embarrassed.”
“Keep digging that hole, buddy.” I waggled my finger in front of his face, but my laughter belied my attempt to be stern.
We finished dressing just in the nick of time.
“Everyone decent?” Leo knocked lightly.
“Come in.” Dante took a step toward his brother.
Leo hugged him tight enough to break a rib or two. “Are you all right?”
“I’m good. Sore, but it’s really good to see you.” Dante pulled back and wiped his eyes.
“Looks like your hair didn’t survive.” Leo chuckled.
He ran his hand over the peach fuzz. “I don’t know why Maria shaved it all off. The least she could have done was leave a mohawk.”
Laughing softly, I said, “I kind of like it. It brings out your eyes.”
Leo embraced me so quickly, I barely had time to register what was happening before he had me in his arms. “I understand you’re the hero in this story. Thank you.”
I didn’t know how to respond, nor could I form a sentence. All I could think about was he didn’t hate me or seem to blame me for the shooting. If one Marchionni could accept me, could they all? Would Enzo?
Dante saved me from turning into a blubbering idiot. “What’s the plan? Do you have security?”