Page 64 of Hot Momosa

Dahlia took a large gulp of her wine. “Domestic abuse allegations and a restraining order from his ex-wife.”

“My girl found other women who claim abuse, stalking, and worse…”

So much for an easy-breezy evening.

She set her napkin on the table and leaned forward. “I swear to you, I had no idea about any of this. I would never have been around someone capable of such behavior. Until the other day at brunch, I’d never seen him as much as raise his voice.”

“I don’t want to jump the gun, but I think we’ve IDed your stalker.”

“I think you’re right.” Dahlia pressed her hand to her stomach. “It makes me sick to think he used the fear he created to get close to me. I should have figured this out months ago.”

“You couldn’t have known.” I couldn’t help but wonder how much the governor knew about the situation. Had he set the whole thing up to push her into Harrison’s arms? More likely, he’d hatched the plan to frighten her into toeing the party line. However, I chose to keep those thoughts to myself.

“I saw the shadow of the man who broke into my house. It wasn’t Harrison.” Dahlia frowned. “He must have hired someone. I doubt he’d risk a breaking and entering charge.”

“True.” If I had any hope of salvaging the evening. I needed to get her laughing. “It’s kind of ironic. I was a card-carrying member of the Cosa Nostra the entire time we were together, but Senator Ken Doll turned out to be the violent one.”

She smiled and shook her head.

Close enough.

“Want me to turn on some music, so we can dance like we used to?” I brushed a stray lock of hair from her eyes.

“I’d like that.”

I stood and offered her my hand. “Alexa. Play Dahlia’s Mix.”

The sweet smokey notes of Willy Dixon’s “I Can’t Quit You, Baby”filled the night air as I drew her into my arms.

Dahlia rewarded me with a slow grin and a slower roll of her hips. She draped her arms over my shoulders and swayed to the sultry tune. “You remembered.”

“How could I forget?” I slid my hands down her back. “We made love for the first time to this song.”

Her eyes fluttered closed, and I took it as an invitation to kiss her. Dahlia had the kind of lips men dreamed of. Soft and full, demanding and delicate, capable of the sweetest whispers and the most wicked sins. We kissed and danced and explored each other’s bodies through three full songs.

She pulled back and tilted her head. “Leo Marchionni, are you trying to seduce me?”

I struggled to make sense of her mixed messages. She’d spent days telling me we couldn’t pick up where we’d left off. Did I dare push for sex on our first official date? “I’m not sure how to answer that, Dahl. I want you like I want my next breath, but I’m in no rush.”

Swaying to the music, she lowered her gaze to my mouth. “Then let’s take it nice and slow…in the bedroom.”

Her soft voice obliterated my willpower like a sledgehammer on glass. I pulled her to my chest, slid my hands to her thighs, and lifted her from the ground.

Dahlia let out a breathy laugh that went straight to my cock. She laced her fingers behind my neck and wrapped her legs around my waist. Before I could say a word, she crushed my lips with hers. The woman might have suggested we take it nice and slow, but her kiss said she wouldn’t have minded hot and fast against the wall.

I thanked God I’d spent the previous year working out my frustration in the gym, otherwise I might have embarrassed myself while carrying her into the condo. She was doing a damned good job distracting me.

Kissing a line down my neck, she whispered, “Forget the bed. The couch is closer. I want you in my mouth.”

I tripped over one of Gunnar’s toys, but Dahlia didn’t seem to notice. She’d taken full advantage of our aligned bodies to grind against me.

I made it to the edge of the couch and dropped to my knees.

Dahlia broke the kiss long enough to yank her sweater over her head.

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. No bra.

I needed to slow things down, to look at her, to savor the moment, but my brain had disconnected from my body. Easing her back, I lowered my mouth to her pale, pink nipple and lost myself in the feel of her flesh.