Page 4 of Hot Momosa

Dahlia’s cheeks turned red as she pulled out of the embrace. “I’ve been here for a few minutes. Leo and I were talking.”

Maggie glanced in my direction and paled. The slow-motion-wide-eyed-head-turn belonged in a horror movie—and was one-hundred percent out of character for Gabe’s woman. She was raising five kids, for fuck’s sake. She sure as hell didn’t scare that easy.

I didn’t need a degree in female psychology to put two and two together and come up with the fact that their conversation had something to do with me.

Yeah, dipshit. She came to tell you she was moving.

“I’ll… just…” Maggie motioned to the patio. “Leave you two alone to talk.”

Before either of us could respond, Gabe came through the door holding Rocco at arms’ length. “Incoming! Biohazard baby. It’s your turn, Mags.”

“Seriously? It’s been my turn since he started eating broccoli like it was candy.”

“What can I say? You have a stronger stomach than I do.” Gabe winked at his wife and turned to Dahlia. “Glad you made it.”

“Sorry I’m late. Something came up at home.” She hurried to Rocco and kissed one chubby cheek after the other. “Hey there, little man. Happy birthday.”

Rocco whined and reached for her.

She settled the baby on her hip. “You two go have fun. I’ll change him. Are his things still upstairs in the nursery?”

“Yeah. Thanks. I owe you one.” Gabe retreated, likely out of fear she’d get a whiff of the baby and change her mind.

Maggie leaned close to Dahlia and whispered, “More of the same at home?”

“No, just campaign stuff.” She tickled Rocco and let out a fake laugh.

Nice try, babe, but something isn’t right in Dahlia-land.

She might have been all smiles, but between Maggie’s reaction, and the twin wrinkles between Dahlia’s eyebrows, I suspected whatever had kept her had nothing to do with work.

Maggie gave me a wary look before turning back to Dahlia and forcing a smile. “Shanna owes me ten bucks. She bet me you wouldn’t come.”

“That’s ridiculous. I wouldn’t miss this little guy’s birthday for the world.” Her words came out too fast and her voice too high pitched. “Even if he does smell like roadkill.”

Yeah, something is definitely going on with her.Desperate to find out what was going on, I cleared my throat and met Dahlia’s gaze. “Need some help?”

Dahlia shook her head. “I’m good.”

Not that I particularly wanted to change a diaper, but the rejection stung. “Do what you need to do. We’ll finish our conversation later.”

“Sure.” She held the baby closer and walked upstairs.

Maggie watched them go before turning back to me. “It’s funny. I never pegged you for a quitter.”

Had anyone else said that to me, I would have told them to fuck off. However, I had been raised to respect women. On top of that, Maggie had earned it when she’d married my brother. “I didn’t quit. I gave her what she wanted.”

The five-feet-nothing woman pushed into my personal space and jabbed her finger into my chest. “She wanted you.”

Those three words sucker punched me. “I wanted her, too. I still do, but it’s…”

“Complicated? News flash. Life is complicated.” Maggie took a half-step back and nodded in the direction Dahlia had gone. “Lucky for you, it’s not too late.”

“She’s with Harrison—”

“Don’t.” She pressed her hand against my mouth. “Don’t say another word and make more of an ass of yourself. Figure out what you want. No more brooding. No more working all hours of the day and night. Put that famous Marchionni pride aside and be honest with her, or it will be too late.”

I hadn’t suffered a verbal ass kicking like that since… Well, since ever. Unsure how to respond, I nodded.

She gave me a once over, frowned, and marched upstairs.

What the hell just happened?