“He’s determined to split us up. There’s more than one way to do that. Seems he’s chosen the permanent method.”
“But if Robert is angry about missing his shot at me and goes back to Baton Rouge tonight…” Her voice cracked. “Aren’t my parents in danger?”
She had a point. “We will call as soon as we get the little man to bed.”
My phone buzzed, and I had never been so thankful to hear from Marco in my life. “Any news?”
“It was an explosive.” His voice came across clipped. “Remote detonation. You’re damned lucky Becker didn’t trigger it the second you opened the door.”
“I don’t feel lucky.” I stood and walked to the far side of the kitchen. “How’s Enzo?”
Marco sighed. “He’s being moved to a private room. The Chief of Police was here and spoke to Shanna. Enzo will have taxpayer funded security around the clock.”
“Why? We know he wasn’t the target.” As soon as I’d asked, I knew the answer. “You’re keeping up appearances because of Becker’s relationship with the Chief of Police.”
“Exactly. Plus, Enzo could remember something. Becker may decide to tie up loose strings.”
“I hadn’t thought of that. Is he safe?”
“I have two of my best guys on him. One inside the room and one outside the door.” Marco chuckled. “Enzo is the best guarded chef in the world.”
“Have you had a chance to look at the note from the stalker?”
“That’s some seriously sick shit.” He sighed. “I showed Shanna the pic. She said to tell you she hasn’t been able to find any information on the private investigator Calhoun ordered to look into it.”
“What do you mean? Is she looking for dirt on the guy?”
“She would if she could find him. She doesn’t think he exists.”
“Looks like Dahlia was right about Becker. He couldn’t hire a PI to investigate crimes he was committing.” If I ever got my hands on the guy, I’d make him understand the meaning of the word pain.
Marco lowered his voice. “How well do you know Calhoun? Could he and Becker have cooked up the stalker scheme to keep her in line, but Becker took it too far?”
Until recently, I would have not only said yes, but hell yes, especially if it meant winning the election. However, now that I’d interacted with the governor, I couldn’t imagine him terrorizing his daughter. “Calhoun, no. But I wouldn’t put it past Harrison Meriwether to be working with Becker.”
“Possibly, but we need proof. As it stands now, the dead ex-wife is the only connection.” He sighed. “Everything okay at Ma’s?”
“So far, so good.”
“Enjoy the peace and quiet while you can. We’ll be heading back there soon.”
“Dahlia and Gunnar are exhausted. I plan to have both of them tucked in before then. Any word on Frankie Abruzzo?”
“Nothing yet, but Dante’s looking for her.” He went quiet. “Any chance she’s involved with Becker?”
“I doubt it, but at this point, nothing would surprise me.”
“Get some sleep.”
“Roger that.”
“Love you, bro.” Marco disconnected the call before I could respond.
The events of the day had shaken me to my core. Not once, but twice Becker had made an attempt on Dahlia’s life. But I couldn’t figure out why he would kill Meriwether’s ex-wife. Unless he planned to pin Dahlia’s death on the senator?
I’m missing something.