Page 77 of Hot Momosa


Sweat poureddown Gabe’s face, and he raised his hand to wipe his brow. Of course, the fish chose that precise moment to run deep. Whatever he had on the line had more brains than its opponent. The little progress he’d had made bringing the monster in went out along with the line.

“You’ve always had a hard time closing the deal.” Marco chuckled and held up his beer.

“I’m too drunk for this shit. Someone take over.” Gabe glanced over his shoulder, but our brothers were too busy harassing each other.

Dante said, “I thought Enzo was the one who couldn’t seal the deal with Shanna?”

“This from the guy who hasn’t had his first date.” Enzo hiked his thumb at Dante. “I sealed it enough to put a ring on her finger and a bun in her oven.”

“I date.”

Gabe growled. “Shut the hell up and one of you take the rod.”

I shouted loud enough for all four of them to hear me. “I hate to cut the party short, but I need to be back in New Orleans, pronto.”

“Not until we bring this bad boy in,” Gabe said through gritted teeth.

My palms itched to get a crack at the fish, but I needed to have the captain turn the boat around. “I’m serious. We have to go back. Dahlia got a package from the stalker at my place.”

“Stuart still with her?” Enzo asked.

Big surprise. He hadn’t stopped giving me the evil eye since I’d blown off his question and answer session.

“Yeah, he is, but there’s a shit storm brewing, and I need to be there.”

Dante shoved to his feet. “I’ll tell the captain to head in. Gabe can reel it in on the way back just as easily as he can while the boat’s running in circles.”

“Great, now would someone take over?” Gabe pleaded. “Anyone?”

Evidently, the sun and the alcohol had dimmed my brothers’ enthusiasm. Four hours in the middle of the ocean could do that to a man.

Marco and Enzo exchanged glances, but neither made a move.

Despite my foul mood, or maybe because of it, a grin tugged at the corners of my mouth. I couldn’t help but tease them. After all, they’d given me nonstop grief. “Come on. What will your wives say when you tell them all you caught were sunburns and hangovers?”

They stared with equal degrees of drunken haze and consideration.

“Take the damned pole or I’m throwing it in the ocean.” Gabe had turned a rather unhealthy shade of red from the exertion.

“On your left.” I buckled a gut bucket around my waist, eased to his side, and took the rod.

He heaved out a sigh and a slew of curses. “It’s all you. I’m done.”

“Okay, but I’ll need you to hook it once I bring it to the surface.” I leaned back and reeled until the rod nearly bent in half, then pushed forward keeping the tip up.

Over and over, back and forth, I danced with the fish on the other end of the line. The tango reminded me a bit of the situation with Dahlia. I could heavy hand it and risk losing her, or I could finesse her until I wore her down.

Enzo took advantage of my being stuck in one place to harass me again. “You might as well admit it. Gunnar’s your son, isn’t he?”

“Yeah, he’s mine.” When no one reacted, I glanced back.

My brothers stood shoulder-to-shoulder, staring. Although none seemed all that surprised.

“And you’re just now telling us about it, why?” Gabe shook his head. “I thought it was a possibility way back when, but you denied it when I asked outright.”

Enzo said, “It wasn’t just him. Dahlia’s been lying to Maggie and Shanna for years.”