My phone rangand scared the ever-loving-shit out of me.
I walked into the hall to give Dahlia some privacy. Plus, I didn’t want to take the chance of the governor overhearing my conversation. “Marchionni.”
“This is Artie. Artie Guzman. Why aren’t you answering the buzzer? I locked myself out and can’t get to the poodles.” His normally nasally voice rose to a pitch that rivaled nails on a chalkboard.
With all of the excitement, I’d forgotten all about him bringing the dogs by. Pinching the bride of my nose, I said, “Because I’m not home.”
“Ha!” he shouted, “I should have known better than to trust you. I left them in the condo while I ran an errand for Mother, and now this!”
It took every ounce of willpower not to hang up the phone. “Artie, what are you talking about?”
“I know you’re home. I see your shadow moving around up there.”
Shadow? Someone broke in? Robert-fucking-Becker.
“Artie, listen to me.” I drew a breath to steady my nerves. “Dahlia and I are at my folks’ house. Are you sure someone is in my condo?”
“Yes.” He stretched the word into three syllables.
“I’m on my way. Whatever you do, do not go upstairs.” I patted my pockets for my keys and remembered my car was at the hospital.
“But the babies! Our babies are up there!” he shrieked. “Is it the man with the envelope? The dangerous one? It is, isn’t it?”
For the love of all things good and holy.
“Artie, calm down. I’ll be there as soon as I can.” I needed to get off the phone and find Stuart. This was our shot to catch Robert in the act. No way could he weasel out of a breaking and entry charge. Once he was in jail, it’d be a hell-of-a-lot easier to get a DNA sample.
“Which is it?” Artie demanded.
I didn’t have time for this. “Which is what?”
“Are you on your way, or will you be here as soon as you can?”
“Both.” I disconnected and strode back to the guestroom.
Dahlia’s eyes widened. “What’s wrong?”
“Someone’s in the condo. I need to get over there.”
“No. You can’t. Send Stuart or Marco’s people. You can’t go.” She stood too quickly, swayed, and sat back down. Hard.
I knelt in front of her. “Sweetheart, listen to me. Robert is friends with the Chief of Police. There’s a good chance he’ll run once he finds out the authorities are onto him.”
“I know, but why do you have to go?”
“Because I need to make sure he can’t hurt you or Gunnar ever again.” As soon as the words came out of my mouth, I wanted to pull them back in.
“You’re going to kill him?”
Maybe.“No. I’m going to make sure he’s put away for a very long time.”
She frowned and glanced away. When she looked back, her expression hardened. “I want him dead.”
Her words hit me like a gut-punch. “If it comes down to it, I won’t hesitate.”
“Don’t go in alone. Promise me you’ll take men with you. All of them. Promise me.”