Page 21 of Absinthe Minded

“Is that nail polish?” Stupid question, the scent of chemicals hung in the air.

Chloe nodded.

“Are you allowed to play in Maggie’s makeup?” Also a stupid question. The woman didn’t allow junk food. She’d never consent tothis.

Chloe bit her lower lip and shook her head.

“Go take a shower and wash that off your face before Maggie gets home. I’ll help you with the nail polish when you’re done.”

Chloe started toward the master bedroom, but I put my hand on her head and pointed her in the direction of the kids’ bathroom. “Uh uh. No way. Be careful, the floor is wet.”

The clock chimed ten times.

How the hell does Maggie do this alone day in and day out?I’d double down on convincing her to marry me. Whether she knew it or not, we needed each other.



I walkedthrough the front door, still thinking about the evening. It took me a moment to realize someone had cleaned the house. Even the two-month old Christmas tree looked better.

“Did you have a good time?” Gabe asked from the kitchen.

“Yes, I did. How are the kids?” I rounded the corner and found him at the island nursing a glass of whiskey.

“Chloe got into your makeup and nail polish, but I think I got it all off the countertop and floor. I couldn’t have done it without Zach. I gave him twenty bucks for his help. Otherwise, they’re bathed, tucked in, teeth brushed, and bladders emptied.”

“Sounds like you had fun.” I eyed his glass. “Where did you find that?”

He stood slowly, as if his muscles had stiffened from sitting too long. “Joe’s stash is still in the garage closet. Want a drink?”

“Really?” I’d gone through every inch of the house, except the garage. “Just one. I don’t drink much anymore.”

“I think Ella might be allergic to milk. Can you help me get her an appointment with a pediatrician?”

“I can, but are you staying?”

“Why would I change my mind?”

Why, indeed. So much for the kids freaking him out.“I’ll call the pediatrician first thing Monday, unless you think it’s an emergency.”

“Her poop is blackish-green and smells like the river, but she’s eating.”

“It’s probably nothing, but I’ll keep an eye on her.”

“I started a grocery list and one for things I need for the baby. I hope you don’t mind I used your computer.”

“That’s fine.” I glanced at the stack of papers on the bar. My hand trembled as I picked up the second notice from the power company. “You paid my bills?”

“No. Yourpersonalmail is unopened on the desk. I paid the household expenses.”

I started to speak, but he interrupted. “Consider it rent.”

I couldn’t believe it. Part of me wanted to yell at him for invading my privacy, but the other part wanted to hug him. It’d been a long time since someone had done something so nice for me. “Thank you.”

“When did you start dating?” Gabe pulled down a glass, poured a respectable amount of whiskey and topped it off with a splash of Coke to add color.

“Thanks.” I sipped the drink and gasped.