I watched out the window as Jones turned to pump gas into the tank and quickly withdrew my Sig from my ankle holster and shoved it into Eva’s hands. Her head jerked up to meet my gaze and I lowered my voice. “Just in case. There’s a safety,” I said, showing her where. “Flick it off, point and shoot.”
I quickly looked out the window again, grateful that Jones was still facing the tank. “Just take it. Hide it in your pocket.”
She quickly shoved it inside, but it was clear she wasn’t comfortable with it. I gripped the sides of her face and forced her to look at me. “Trust Rae and Fox, do you understand me?”
Her eyes slowly slid to Jones outside and then back to me. She nodded, not saying another word as she exited the vehicle. I followed right behind her, narrowing my gaze at Rae. She knew something was up, and gave a tight nod, then led Eva inside the convenience store. I walked around the car and grabbed the windshield washer, then started cleaning the windows.
“I know what you’re thinking,” Jones said gruffly.
“And what’s that?”
“You’re wondering how they found us.”
I grunted in response.
“It wasn’t me.”
I kept washing the windows, but watched him out of my periphery. “How did they find us?”
“I’m completely off the radar, and if it was me, don’t you think they would have known about the fucking sensors?”
“Maybe they did,” I retorted. “It’s not like it would have taken much for someone to accidentally cross and alert us.”
He turned to me, arms crossed over his chest and he glared at me. “So, that’s how it is. After all the shit we went through together, you suddenly don’t trust me.”
“You know, that sounds an awful lot like how you cut me out of your life after the decision I made.”
“Which directly affected me,” he shot back.
“Yeah, and what better way to get back at me than to screw me over?”
“You’re right. I blew up my own fucking home, with everything I owned inside, just to get back at you.”
“Then explain to me how they fucking tracked us,” I snapped, getting in his face. “You know Rafe almost as well as I do. He knows about our past. It’s not too farfetched to assume he would track you down and offer some incentive if you helped him out.”
“God, you really are an asshole,” he scoffed. “I may have my issues with you, but the time we served together still means something to me.”
“I would love to believe that, but since I came to you for help, you’ve undercut me at every turn.”
“Not true. I allowed you into my home, didn’t I? I even played nice for a while.”
“And tried to turn Eva against me,” I hissed. “What kind of friend does that? Our issues are between us, not that woman in there. She’s been through enough shit without you trying to make her lose faith in the only people that are on her side.”
He flinched back at the barb, bowing his head. “You’re right,” he murmured. “That was a low blow.” When he looked up at me, the truth of the situation was in his eyes. He didn’t turn on me, he just wanted to make my life a living hell.
Taking a deep breath, I glanced back at the shop where Rae and Fox were shielding Eva from any potential fights.
“So, that’s it. Your team doesn’t even trust me now.”
“Give them a reason to,” I retorted. “My guys will follow me anywhere. They trust me implicitly. I get why you don’t and it’ll take a while to regain that trust, if I ever do at all. But all this manipulative bullshit you’re pulling isn’t doing you any favors, and it’s making this whole goddamn situation more difficult than it has to be. You’re either with us or you walk right now. I won’t judge you if you want to leave, but I can’t have someone with me who doesn’t trust me.”
The gas pump turned off and he barely spared it a glance as he mulled over my ultimatum. His eyes drifted inside to look at my team and my…Eva, watching them intently.
“There was once a time when we had each other’s backs no matter what,” he said, his eyes finally meeting mine. “I’d like to have that again someday. I realize it won’t happen immediately, but it would be nice to not want to kill you.”
I smirked at him. “Just think of all those times I was looking through the scope and you could have put one in my head. I wouldn’t have even known it was you.”