“Where?” Eva asked incredulously. “Do you think the man bagging groceries is a threat?”

I glanced over at him, quickly assessing him. “No, he’s not a threat.”

“How can you be sure?”

“First, look how slow he’s moving. Arthritic hands and knees. Second, he’s had hip replacement surgery recently. He probably shouldn’t even be at work.”

“You can tell all that from here?” Eva asked, cocking her head as she looked at the man.

“See the walker?” I asked, pointing to the object just behind him.

“That could be anyone’s,” she hissed.

But then the old man turned and grabbed it, resting against it as he waited for the next person in line. She huffed, shaking her head. “Okay, but what about that ear wig thingy he’s wearing?”

“The hearing aide?” I grinned.

“Whatever. You’re wearing one. How can you be sure it’s not a ruse and he’s the lookout guy?”

“Trust me, he’s not,” I said, taking her elbow and guiding her further into the store. “Now, let’s find what you need while Rae and Fox grab supplies.”

“Actually,” Eva said, tearing her arm out of my grip. “I think I should go with Rae. It’s sort of a girls’ trip.”

“It’s tampons,” I said flatly.

“Yes, but I don’t need you to see them.”

“Why?” I asked, stepping into her space. “Do you think I’m one of those men that can’t handle seeing feminine products?”

“Yes,” she answered curtly.

I cleared my throat with a nod. “Well, you might be right there. Don’t be long, and Rae, keep your eyes on her at all times.”

“Oh, really, boss? Because I was going to let her wander around and just hope she didn’t find trouble.”

I glared at the smart ass, but she just stuck her tongue out at me and walked away. “Fox, you’re on food.”


He started to walk away, but I grabbed his shirt. “And no Funyuns.”

He frowned at me, gripping my hand and jerking it from his shirt. “That’s just mean, boss. Nobody likes playing with you when you act like this.”

Shaking my head, I quickly headed to the electronics section and grabbed a few chargers and some spare burner phones. The nice thing about being in the middle of Nowhere, Montana was that they had bulk stores that carried damn near everything because you wouldn’t hit another store for hundreds of miles unless you were near a major city. I didn’t spend too much time lingering over the options. I grabbed the best and quickly went in search of Rae and Eva. I was getting itchy being away from her.

When I found them, Eva was just about to grab a cup of food out of an old lady’s hand at a food station. I stalked forward and slapped it out of her hand just as she was reaching for it, surprising both Eva and the old lady. Rae was eating popcorn out of a bag and watched on as if this was a movie.

“Cash, what are you doing?”

“Me? What are you doing?”

“I was about to try some nuts. We didn’t eat this morning,” she muttered under her breath. Her eyes flicked to the old lady. She smiled at her, but the old lady was watching me cautiously, which just made me suspicious.

“I don’t care if you didn’t eat. You don’t take any food from strangers unless I clear it.”

“Rae cleared it,” she said exasperatedly.

“Yes, and she seems really concerned for your safety right now,” I said, pointing to the woman who was supposed to have my back. “She’s too busy eating popcorn to see what you’re doing.”