He reached out and grabbed my hand, giving it a squeeze. “I hope that asshole knows what he has in you.”
“I know what I have in him, and that’s good enough for now.”
“Don’t sell yourself short, Eva. You’re quite a woman.”
I rolled my eyes at that. “Rae is quite a woman. I’m a disaster.”
“You won’t always be.” He jerked his chin toward the door where Cash was waiting. “Go get what you need and be careful.”
“It’s a small town. What could possibly happen?”
“Everything okay?”I asked as Eva walked outside beside me.
“Yes,” she smiled, slipping her hand in mine. It was a foreign feeling to me, to hold hands and actually like it. I knew the guys would razz me for it, but for now, there were only two people to witness me falling to my knees for this woman, and I was pretty sure they already knew how bad I had it for Eva.
I opened the back door for her, glancing around one last time before shutting the door after she got in. I sat in the passenger seat and ran through all possible outcomes of today’s trip as Fox took us into town. Something wasn’t sitting right with me, but I was pretty sure it wasn’t the trip into town.
“When we get there, I want Eva covered on all sides. Eva, you don’t go anywhere unless one of us is with you.”
“Okay,” she answered, almost like she was picking up on my tension.
After Fox parked the truck, I got out and held up my hand for the others to wait. My eyes scanned the parking lot for any dangers, but it was your typical small town with hardly any activity, let alone anyone dangerous lingering nearby.
“Alright, let’s move. Keep your eyes and ears open.”
Eva sighed from beside me. “Don’t you think the three man protection detail is a little over the top?”
“Not at all. Plan for the worst, hope for the best.”
“What’s the worst?” she asked with wide eyes.
Fox snorted in amusement. “It’s Rafe. What wouldn’t he do?”
“I still don’t understand how you all know him,” Eva said beside me.
“We don’t actually know him,” Fox continued. “We know of him, but Cash is the only one that knows what he looks like.”
“Why?” Eva looked to me.
That was a story for another time. A very, very long time from now. I wasn’t about to rehash our fucked up past, especially at such a dangerous time.
“That’s not important. Let’s just get in and get out. Comm check.”
“Check, check,” Rae said.
“Roger that,” Fox answered. At least he didn’t break out in song.
“You wore ear pieces?” Eva asked as we walked through the door. “Wouldn’t cell phones have been less conspicuous?”
“What if there was no cell service?” I asked.
“Or if we had to engage the enemy,” Fox added in.
“Not to mention that there could be spies blending in everywhere,” Rae muttered.