“I need someplace to lay low for a while.”

He eyed the rest of the group, then pushed off the tree. “I don’t take in rescues.” He started to walk past me, and Fox made a move to pull his gun. I quickly raised my hand to stop him, but Jones turned around, gun in hand as he shoved it against Fox’s head. “You don’t want to fuck with me. This is my property, and I don’t have a problem burying your body in the trees. Nobody comes out here. They’ll never find you.”

Fox stared at him a moment, then started laughing. “Do it.”

“Fox,” I hissed.

“Seriously,” he nodded. “Do it. Pull the fucking trigger.”


“You have a death wish?”

Rae pulled her weapon, aiming it at Jones, but if she fired, Jones wouldn’t hesitate to go down fighting, and that would put Eva in danger.

“Everyone stand the fuck down!” I shouted, holding out my hands to calm everyone down. “This is not happening. Jones, we aren’t here to fuck with you. We just need somewhere to lay low for a few days. We won’t get in your way.”

“You already are. What the fuck were you thinking, bringing them up here?”

“I was thinking you’re my last resort,” I retorted. “Jones, you know me. I respect your boundaries. I wouldn’t be here if this wasn’t my last option.”

“You have a whole fucking list of safe houses. Go to one of them.”

“It’s Rafe,” I snapped, immediately getting his attention. “He’s after Eva, and I can’t let him have her. We just ran from blowing up a government facility to get out. The rest of the team led him south, but it won’t be long before he realizes we didn’t go with them. If we leave here, you know we’re fucked. He won’t stop hunting us until we’re all dead and he has Eva.”

His eyes flicked over to her. I couldn’t see the look on her face, but I could guess she was terrified. He suddenly pulled his gun back and shoved it in his holster. “Why didn’t you just fucking say that Rafe was involved?”

“Wait,” Rae said, walking forward. “Heknows who Rafe is?”

Jones scoffed at her. “Of course I do. You’re forgetting that I’ve known Cash for longer than you.”

Finally taking a breath, I turned my back on him and walked over to Eva. Pulling her into my arms, I did my best to calm her down.

“So, it’s like that,” Jones laughed.

“Yeah, it’s like that.”

He walked over and held out his hand to Eva. “I’m Jones, this old man’s spotter.”

“Spotter?” Eva asked.

“Christ,” Jones laughed. “You haven’t told her much, have you?”

“We haven’t exactly had time for small talk.”

He shook his head. “Come on inside. We’ll get you set up.” Despite his cool demeanor, I knew he was itching to get us out of here. The last thing Jones wanted was me on his property, whether Rafe was involved or not.

“You want to check out the vehicle first?”

He turned back and grinned at me. “I’ve been scanning you since you pulled in the driveway.”

Then he turned and walked off, leaving the rest of us standing there.

“Wait, that’s it?” Fox asked.

“What more did you want?”

“I don’t know. Maybe more of a death threat.”